Nina & Liliana LI

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Summary: Nina has a difficult day and Liliana walks in one some strange encounters.

Evie's Notes: Hope you enjoy the new chapter! Let me know your favorite part in the comments!

Nina could see the pitying glances that Amber kept sending her way. The last thing that she wanted to deal with today was people's pity. Ever since the accident Nina had always spent this day with her Gran each year, even skipping school to zoom call her grandmother. But with Gran in the hospital, Nina was left alone with her thoughts and the proverbial ghosts of her parents and the family she had lost.

After Amber's fifth aborted attempt to start a conversation Nina slammed closed her journal stating, "Well it's worth a shot, right?" gesturing to the dollhouse.

Amber, always quick to back her up, even when she knew Nina was avoiding a topic, joined her at the doll house.

"Come on Sarah" begged Nina, "You've got to have something for us!".

Miraculously, the doll house windows glowed and when she opened the walls, they found the figurines gathered upstairs. "The figurines are in Sarah's room" noted Amber.

"But that's our room! Where are they then?"

"You have all of Sarah's things" suggested Amber. "Maybe she snuck one into the box. That way Victor or Rufus couldn't get their hands on it".

"Of course," exclaimed Nina "the music box".

"Music box" asked Amber confused.

"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" explained Nina "It was Sarah's favorite nursery rhyme. And what are constellations made of, stars!"

Pulling out her beloved music box Nina saw that the mirror inside had the falcon symbol from the tunnels on it. "Amber I think we just found our first reflector" celebrated Nina.

Closing the box Nina put it back in her safe locking the door and put the key around her neck. Snagging her bag she followed Amber out the door. Nina had to admit that even though she was sad today at least it had begun with a major Sibuna win!

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Liliana POV:

"So, prove to me I'm your American Queen and you move to me like I'm a Motown beat, and we rule the kingdom inside my room. 'Cause all the boys and their expensive cars, with their Range Rovers and their Jaguars, never took me quite where you do. And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for. King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa. And all at once, you are all I want, I'll never let you go King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa" sang Lili off key while dancing around her room.

"Code Red Liliana! Code Red! There is a gem thief on the loose! Release the hounds!" shrieked Jerome hysterically as he burst into Lili's room.

Lili, startled by her boyfriend's sudden appearance tripped and tumbled backwards onto the floor. "OW! Jerome!" she yelled back, but the tall boy gave no sign of having heard her.

"How to catch a gem thief... who on earth would have taken it?" muttered Jerome as he paced back and forth wearing a hole in Lili's carpet.

Rising grumpily to her feet Lili stood up on her bed and waited till he got near enough to her to grab his shoulders and gave him a little shake. "Jerome Anthony Clarke! What on earth has gotten into you?".

"Lili! Somebody took my gem! We need to get it back! Do you think Victor has hounds? That seems like a culty thing to have, right?"

"We don't have hounds Jerome. Victor's no pet rule? The only animals in this house are dead and stuffed. And I don't think that Corbierre or Delores would be particularly helpful in whatever it is you are trying to do".

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