Eddie & Joy LXXIII

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Summary: Eddie worries about his girlfriend's idea of fun date activities, while Joy and the band rock Lili's birthday bash

Evie's Notes: Happy Monday. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Longer chapter today and a bonus! I hope you enjoy 💜


Eddie was siked for date night! Patricia had been super busy lately, so he was thrilled to finally have the chance to catch up with his girlfriend. After classes wrapped for the day and Eddie had changed out of his uniform, he hurried over to the Frobisher Library. Walking in he spotted his beautiful girlfriend resting against one of the bookcases.

"Wow, you look amazing, Yacker" he complimented.

"Whatever, slimeball" she tossed back, but her eyes shined brightly, showing her appreciation.

"You really weren't kidding about the library, huh?" he asked, glancing around the room.

"Yup. But there's one thing that I didn't mention: this is a blind date" she laughed, holding up a pretty piece of cloth.

"What, you trying to kidnap me, Yacker?" he asked as she tied the cloth around his head.

"Nah, I can't get any money for your sorry self" teased Patricia. Tugging him forward by his hand, she continued "Come one! Your mystery tour starts here".

With a silly grin, Eddie followed her blindly into the dark.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Walking around blindfolded got old pretty quick, it seemed to Eddie like they had been walking forever. His mom had once said that when someone loses one of their senses, the others are amplified, and Eddie totally agreed. The stench of whatever walkway Patricia was leading him through was super strong; and at one point he could have sworn he heard Amber and some shushing, but he was likely just hearing things.

"It's kinda funky smelling," hedged Eddie.

"Secret cellars tend to be" explained his girlfriend.

Oh! A secret cellar? Eddie definitely had to see this! Reaching up to remove his blindfold he was shocked to feel Patricia batting away his hands.

"Hey, leave that blindfold alone! It will spoil the fun if you see where we are".

"Fine, fine" he sighed, disappointed that he wouldn't be able to check out the secret room. "How much longer till we get where we are going?"

"Not much longer," she assured him. "In fact we are pretty much there".

"And pretty much alone. Finally!" schmoozed Eddie, as he let himself be manhandled by his girlfriend.

"Yup... Finally alone" rambled Patricia. "Just you and me, being alone".

Was she nervous? Trying to calm her, he admitted "I'm kinda glad that we've got this chance. I've been meaning to talk to you, but the house has just been so busy lately".

"Yeah, yeah it really has" she readily agreed.

"And I know that you are doing everything you can to support Nina, but I feel like I rarely get to see you anymore... and I miss you".

"I miss you too" she admitted, squeezing his hands tightly.

"I know that things have been kind of crazy lately, but I need you to know that I think you are pretty awesome, Patricia".

The girl gasped audibly, "Steady Eddie".

Had he said too much, and scared her? Nah, his Yacker was fearless, he should just go ahead and say what he had planned to finally tell her. "I really do. I get kinda goofy around you and I was glad that you were jealous of Mara during our ghost hunting stint, because it meant that you are falling for me too. I've never met anyone like you before, and I'm seriously falling in love with you, Yacker. I only need to hear your whiny British Yack and I turn to mush. So come on, lower your forcefield and tell me how you feel honestly, now that we are alone".

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