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Summary: Alfie has an important question for Amber

Evie's Notes: Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜! I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this update 🌺.


Amber needed a real break! She had naively believed that they'd get one after the Sibuna Club stopped Senkhara, but of course her luck was never that good. Instead the club had to shift their focus and dedicate their entire spring break to orchestrating Jasper's arrest. Luckily, final exams were only a month away, so she just needed to hold on a little bit longer.

Despite the fact that Alfie had rejected her proposal that they should get back together, she couldn't quite keep herself away from him. The pair were essentially attached at the hip, despite there now being no evil overlord trying to kill them. It helped that Alfie was usually with Jerome and Jerome was with Lili, so she could brush off her hang outs as spending time with her fashion bestie. Still it was obvious that the others were picking up on her feelings, if Patricia's smirk was any sign.

That Friday afternoon wasn't any different, at least it started out that way. After their last class of the day, Amber turned to ask Lili if she wanted to head over to Marita's to get a mocha only to find the girl already hightailing it out the door. Weird...

"Hey Amby!" chirped Alfie, cheerfully dropping into Lili's vacated seat.

"Hi Alfie..."

"I was wondering if you were free to go on a walk?" asked the boy nervously.

"Uh, yeah. I guess I'm free" agreed Amber. She didn't know what was going on with her friend, but going on a walk would certainly be more fun than sitting around the house by herself.

"Congratulations on your epic prank yesterday" offered Amber, as the pair made their way out of the school.

"Thank you! Roe and I spent a good portion of this past year prepping for yesterday" laughed the boy. "It's always fun to see what the younger classsmen come up with to try and outdo us on April first".

"I do have to admit that Liam and Jose's giant candy land game came close, but you two were able to retain your status as prank kings this year with the goats" mused Amber.

"I think it's safe to say that we will be leaving the school in their competent pranking hands when we graduate" agreed Alfie.

Once the pair reached the lake, Amber noticed that Alfie looked decidedly more nervous than he had at the beginning of the walk.

"Alfie? Are you sure you're ok?" worried Amber. "We can head back to the house if you're not feeling well".

"I'm fine Amber, I'm just a little nervous".

"Nevous about what?" huffed Amber. "It's just me here".

"Trust me... I know" laughed the boy.


Alfie ignored her though as he led her up to the gazebo. Taking a seat beside him, Amber watched in confusion as Alfie pulled a box out of his pocket.

"Amber Lucille Millington, you are the most amazing woman I know. You are such a sweet, charming, protective, loveable person. I am so lucky to have you as a friend in my life".

"Okay, I like the sound of this" teased Amber, but internally she was freaking out. Was she getting dumped again? Hadn't they already done this?

"Amber, I really, really messed up earlier this year. So I sit here now before you saying that I am so sorry for hurting you and I would be honored if you would give me another chance".

Wait. Was this really happening!?

"Amber Lucille Millington, light of my life, will you do me the honor of accompanying me to the prom and being my girlfriend again?" asked Alfie, opening the box to reveal a gorgeous necklace.

Amber felt happy tears welling up in her eyes as she agreed: "Yes! Yes I will go out with you again".

"Oh thank the gods" laughed Alfie, pulling her in for a hug, before placing the gorgeous infinity necklace around her neck.

The pair sat in the gazebo a little while longer chatting before heading back to the house to share the good news.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

The next week was dedicated to preparation for two extremely important events, the A-level examinations and Promposals. Mara had placed herself as the captain of Anubis House's revision department. Amber had been subject to many sneak attack review sessions thanks to Mara and her notecards. Despite the tenison that this had caused, it had the girl's desired result of all ten residents being well prepared for Saturday morning's exams.

Tightening her ponytail, Amber double checked her #2 pencils, calculator and water bottle as she listened to the monitor ramble off the list of standard testing rules. Taking a deep breath she centered herself thinking, 'Focus Millington', before beginning to bubble in her information on the scantron form.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

The Frobisher Academy students stumbled out of their classrooms rubbing their tired eyes, seeing various vocabulary words and equations swimming across their eyelids. Despite their fatigue, the ten Anubis residents were riding high on their success. With the A levels out of the way, the group only had one more week of classes, prom and then finals standing between them and Summer!

Grabbing a slice of pizza and a side salad from the kitchen, Amber joined her classmates on the back patio Victor had built Vera. The students loudly celebrated their success long into the night, until Victor and Vera turned the lights and portable heater off on them. Knowing that they had to choose survival over fun, the teenagers quickly fled back into the house, exchanging the April chill for their warm and cozy beds.


The Necklace Alfie bought for Amber:

Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know what you want to see more of in the comments!

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Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know what you want to see more of in the comments!

Next Update: Promposal Season!

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie🌺

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