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Summary: Amber struggles with Fabian's decision

Evie's Notes: Happy Sunday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . I can't believe this story is now 83 chapters long and over 2230 hits!? Thank you so much for all the love and support you guys have given this story over the past year. It truly means the world to me 💜! I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this new update🌺.


Fabian was a dumbass, and that's all that there was to it. How the hell had he decided that this was a good course of action. The fact that he had chosen to tell Joy about everything was absurd and then to not inform them till breakfast the next morning was just cruel. Amber was fit to cut him.

"I can't believe that you decided to bring Joy in without talking to us first, Fabian" she shrieked, waving her copy of the Sibuna Club Bylaws. "The first rule about Sibuna, is that you don't talk about Sibuna!"

"I told you we should have had Joy and Mara face off in a chess match" argued Alfie.

"We don't have time for that! We don't have time for anything!" hissed Fabian. "And would you get that thing out of my face, Amber? I know the rules just as well as you, I was there when we wrote them".

"SIBUNA!" came Joy's cheery voice, as the brunette materialized in the doorway. "Has Fabian told you yet? He's asked me to join the gang".

Yeah... this was so not going to fly!

"Sibuna" cheered the girl as she dropped into Nina's normal seat, throwing up her left hand.

Amber simmered as Alfie re-arranged Joy's hands and lost it when the other three reluctantly sibuna-ed as well.

"NO! HELL NO! You are not a Sibuna!"

"She's just here as a temporary member... " stuttered Fabian, clearly trying to appease her.

"Yep!" declared Joy with a pop. "So Fabes, you want to help me brush up on my skills or what?".

Amber seethed as Joy looped her arm through Fabian's and marched him out of the dining room. She was not going to stand for this!

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Amber had spent all of Saturday curled up in her far too empty room working furiously on the Glitz and Glam orders. Sewing allowed her to turn her brain off, which was something she desperately needed.

Sunday afternoon found the Sibuna Club huddled up in the sitting room as Joy once again dominated in Senet.

"Yes! And the human wins again!" crowed the girl happily.

"Well done" congratulated Fabian.

"I can't believe that there's a whole set of tunnels down there. I can't wait to see them" commented Joy, as she reset the board.

"Yeah... well if you had been through what we have, you'd realise that it's not just one big game".

"I thought that's exactly what it was?" asked Joy, shaking one of the playing pieces. "One big game?".

"Umm, actually Amber" interuppted Fabian. "I haven't told Joy absolutely everything. It's best that we do this on a strictly need to know basis".

"Well thanks" snarked Joy. "But Nina and Lili are trapped somewhere? And if I help you win this game, we get them out?"

"Yeah!" agreed all the other Sibunas, but Amber wasn't so sure about putting the fate of her girls in Joy's hands.

"And you really trust her to do that do you?" asked Amber. "After everything she has done to us this year, and knowing how she feels about Nina".

"Amber... Are you saying that I would deliberately throw the game in order to leave Nina, and by extension Lili, down there?" intoned Joy, daring Amber to agree.

Amber was never someone to back down from a dare, "Yes actually".

"Amber!" rebuked the Sibunas, as Joy reared back as if she had struck her. And yeah... Amber immediately regretted what she said.

"Fine. Do it without me" declared Joy, her eyes glistening with hurt as she stomped out of the room.

Patricia cuffed Amber round the head as she tore out of the room after her best friend.

"What did you have to go and do that for?" spat Fabian as he collected the board and playing pieces.

"Come on! We were all thinking it" protested Amber. While it was mean to say, Amber had to think about what was best for her besties.

"Amber, Queen of Tact" snarked Jerome, storming out of the room.

"Okay... maybe I was a little out of order," granted Amber to the only person left. "I just don't think Fabian should have spoken to her without checking with us first. It's just not Sibuna!".

"I know. None of us are particularly happy about it, but we need to do everything we can to get the girls out and end this quest once and for all... even if that means working with Joy" agreed Alfie.

Entering the atrium the pair bumped into Trudy and a strange man.

"Oh! Hello you two" greeted their old housemother.

"Hey Trudy, who's this?" greeted Alfie, gesturing to the stately man beside her. Amber could swear that she had never seen him before, yet something seemed strangely familiar.

"This is Dr. Alexander!" declared Trudy proudly. "He's here to give me a memory therapy session. Vera has kindly offered to let me use her room since my apartment has a bit of a rat problem".

"Good Afternoon" greeted the man. Amber shuddered as she heard his voice, the hair on her arms stood straight up, screaming for her to be on guard. Who was this man?

"Memory therapy?! As in therapy for the remembering of things?" stuttered Alfie, clearly focused on the issue of Trudy recovering the memories of her time as Rufus and Vera's captive.

"The key to uncovering buried memories is dream interpretation and visulatization" explained the doctor. "It's a very precise science".

"Trudy, do you think this is a good idea?" argued Alfie. They had to get her away from this man, even if he wasn't creepy, they didn't want her to rediscover her trauma!

"I assure you that Trudy is in the best of hands" schmoozeed the doctor before leading Trudy up the stairs. If he was trying to put their minds at rest, he had achieved the exact opposite.

"Okay! Bye you two... Wish me luck" teased Trudy as she followed the doctor to the second floor. This was really not good.

Because Alfie had absolutely zero self preservation, he turned to Vera who was lurking in the doorway and snapped "That should be interesting, Vera. Trudy getting her memory back".

"Yes. I do hope that it all works out for her" hummed Vera as she dusted one of the wall sconces. "Now if you will excuse me, I should go and see if they need any refreshments".

Was Vera going to murder the doctor? Eh, he seemed creepy, he would probably deserve it.

"She doesn't seem the least bit bothered... It's weird. Do you think she's up to something?" mused Alfie.

"She's breathing isn't she" scoffed Amber. Of course Vera was plotting, the moment the woman stopped plotting was the same moment her heart stopped beating.

"Well then it's our duty to find out what she's up to. Stake out time!" declared Alfie excitedly, before pulling Amber towards the laundry room. This was going to be a looong afternoon.


Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know what you want to see more of in the comments!

Next Update: Stake-Outs lead to grand reveals 👀👀👀.

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie🌺

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