Jerome XIII

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Jerome Clarke had decided that there were far too many secrets going on around him. These included whatever Alfie and the others were doing, protecting Poppy from their father and the top-secret request from their father. Luckily Monday meant that he would be able to get some the answers to at least one of his questions. He had planned to go to the jail over the weekend, after Poppy had crashed the visit last Thursday, but had been kept busy all weekend. Friday, he had hung out with Poppy and dominated in Monopoly. Saturday, he was slammed with homework and there was no open visitation on Sunday.

Mara had asked to walk with him to class since they hadn't been able to hang out over the weekend. Jerome agreed, but hoped that she wouldn't ask about his last visit to the jail.

"So how was your visit to see your Dad?"

"It was fine Mara".

"Did he mention the thing?"

"No he couldn't. Poppy was there!"

"What! How?" she asked shocked.

"She found the letter. I guess I've got to change up my hiding spots. And please don't say 'I told you so'".

"Okay," she laughed "How about 'I warned you so'".

Shaking his head Jerome continued, "He did mention the thing but couldn't tell me what it was in front of Poppy".

"That's weird..." Mara remarked as they stopped at her locker.

"I know! Definitely need to go alone next time".

"That's a pity".

"Why?" she wouldn't look him in the face, so he closed her locker door. "You miss me?"

"No," she tried to deny but he could see the faint flush rising on her cheeks. "I mean. You are family now, so you should all be together".

"Right..." that totally wasn't what she had meant. Besides his family was Alfie, Lili and Poppy. It would be a while to see how John might fit in. But Mara had made her feelings on that subject known, so he wouldn't push the topic at the moment. "Well now I just want to know what the big secret is. I guess I'll find out this afternoon". Before Mara could respond the bell rang signaling the beginning of the day's classes.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Settling down in the seat across from his estranged father Jerome tried to calm his nerves over what the big secret could be.

"Hello Jerome! It is so good to see you again" greeted his father.

"Hey John" Jerome saw the flinch but couldn't bring himself to call the man sitting before him dad. "So why did you want to talk to me alone?".

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