Amber VI

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Amber had hoped that things would improve once the remaining Sibuna members had joined the trio in their search for the mask. Unfortunately, Nina was still pissed at both Amber and Fabian for roping in Patricia and Alfie. Amber could understand Nina's desire to protect the other two, since she was the leader and therefore felt responsible for the Sibuna members, but really! There was no way that the three of them could lift that beam across without some serious help. Plus the tasks seemed to be getting harder each time so it was only smart to have more heads trying to find the mask.

Nina's disappointment was not the only factor that sought to ruin her day. First her boyfriend mysteriously disappears for hours on end. Which yes, she knows sounds hypocritical since Nina, Fabian and her, had been doing the same recently, but still! Then once Alfie finally reappeared, he had decided they needed to break up. Yeah, that was so not happening on her watch! But Alfie was her best friend so if he said he needed 'space' then fine. He could have space, but lord help that boy or anyone who tries to flirt with him during that break. They would have Amber Lucille Millington to deal with and her wrath would not be pretty.

"Alright, I just texted the boys to tell them the coast is clear" declared Nina as she made her way back into their shared room. "Are you ready to do this?"

"Definitely! Bring it on Frobisher! We have a mask to find!" Amber's heart warmed seeing that her silliness had brought a smile to her usually rather serious BFF's face. Slipping on her shoes Amber joined Nina and Patricia in the hallway.

Creeping silently towards the landing they made their way to where the boys were waiting downstairs. Amber found it strange that Victor was not in his office. Best case scenario he had given up on his evil plotting and had gone to bed for the night. Worst case the Sibuna Club was walking into a trap. Hoping for the first, Amber directed her attention to where Fabian had apparently discovered the cellar door to be unlocked. Strange. But by going down the stairs they were eliminating one tunnel so Amber wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Luckily, they didn't encounter anyone in the cellar, so the club swiftly made their way through the abandoned study, over the hopscotch trap with only minimal stumbling from Patricia and finally to the beam. They quickly set up their agreed upon positions around the heavy beam. From her place beside Alfie, Amber struggled to hold the bridge aloft. The team expertly shifted the beam into position and saying a quick prayer, dropped the beam into place under the orders of Nina.

Success! The beam dropped perfectly onto the tiny ledge causing Amber and her fellow Sibunas to cheer in relief. Hugging Alfie tightly Amber was so happy that the beam hadn't dropped into the bottomless pit. She didn't know what they would have done if they had failed or what the Spirit do to them. Grabbing Alfie's hand she turned to the rest of their group and asked the question that was on everyone's mind: "OK! So who's going over the scary beam first"?

Of course everyone shut up really quick when the heard this question, Amber was hoping someone else would volunteer. Patricia in her typical fashion was having none of that, "Wow" she declared sarcastically. "Don't all jump at once". This then spurred everyone into the ever so helpful 'Let's all talk at the same time' plan. Patricia impatient as always pushed past the others and hopped up on the beam. At first it seemed to Amber like everything was going fine and she would make it across. "See! I don't see what all of your proble..." Patricia shrieked as she was cut off by a sharp swinging pendulum in front of her face. Amber grabbed on to her boyfriend beside her shocked at the sudden trap.

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