Amber & Lili LXXV

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Summary: Amber spends Valentines day with a strange partner. The goose troop rides again... things are heating up!

Evie's Notes: Happy Sunday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I'm sorry for the delay, I hit a total roadblock with this chapter, but I think I'm happy enough with it now. I'm thinking Sunday will be my new update day, but that could change as I get used to being back in the classroom. I hope you all enjoy 💜


Amber's POV:

Amber did not know what she had done to be cursed with spending Valentine's day alone with Joy Mercer of all people. It seemed like everyone else had plans but her!

Lili and Jerome had reservations at a restaurant in town to celebrate the holiday. Patricia and Eddie had chosen to do a movie night in the boy's room. Fabian, roomless and dateless, had talked Alfie into spending the evening with their own movie night; the pair had compromised on watching National Treasure as it was a mixture of "history" and adventure. Mara was having a romantic dinner with Mick over skype in her room, kicking Joy out. Amber had planned to spend the evening with a brokenhearted Nina, but was now stuck with Joy, since the American girl decided to spend the night at the hospital. Hell, even Victor and Vera were having a romantic night... not that that was anything new.

"Soooo... what do you want to do" asked Joy cautiously, scuffing her shoe anxiously against the floorboards.

Despite her anger at the girl over the Jack Jackal article, Amber took pity on the girl. "How about we grab some sandwiches from the kitchen and then we can play a round of chess and bitch about the teachers?"

Joy perked up at the offer and happily followed Amber down to the kitchen to fetch their dinner.

Lili's POV:

Lili was bored, and to make matters worse so were Jerome and Alfie. The Sibuna Club had wanted to go down and check out the tunnels, but Vera had been in the kitchen all day and the exhibit hall was currently packed with people. So given their lack of access, the group had scattered, leaving the aforementioned trio horrifically bored.

Lili was sprawled across Jerome's bed tossing one of the baseballs she had pilfered from Eddie's bag into the air over and over again. "I'm booooored" she whined.

"So you've stated many, many times" stressed Jerome, not looking up from his laptop.

"But I ammm!"

"Well what do you want me to do about it?" he sighed.

"You could put your stupid laptop down and make out with me" she suggested.

"Yeah I'm going to veto that one" protested Alfie loudly, reminding the couple he was still in the room.

"You don't get a vote Alfred" sniffed Lili, before cursing loudly as the ball she had been playing with hit her head with a thump before rolling across the room.

"Vindication!" laughed Alfie, snatching the ball from it's resting place.

"Oh whatever you tosser" scoffed the tiny blonde.

"Alright I can't get any work done with you two bickering" declared Jerome closing his laptop and grabbing his coat. "So Alfie grab your keys and we can go into town".

"But we're supposed to stay nearby in case one of the tunnel entrances opens up," argued Liliana.

"Let's be real, the odds of us actually going down there tonight are miniscule. So let's go see if we can stir up some trouble somewhere else" reasoned Jerome.

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