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Summary: A peek into Vera's Mind

Evie's Notes: Happy Monday. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Here is the bonus section! I hope you enjoy 💜


Vera could feel the walls closing in on her, she was playing a dangerous game and unfortunately she would soon need to pick a side. The longer she worked with Rufus, the clearer her choice became. The young visionary promising her riches beyond her dreams was gone, in his place was a dangerous maniac wielding terrific power. Vera felt confident in the relationship she had formed with Victor, but she still had a decent amount of work to do. Luckily Rufus was known to ramble about his past with Sarah and Victor in his more manic moments, so Vera had a decent leg up when it came to the man.

Vera counted herself lucky that none of her contact with Rufus had been noted by the caretaker. Despite being such a bright man, there was so much that went on in the house, right under his nose, that he failed to notice. Vera was sure that Victor's dreams to live forever, with a little pushing, could easily warp to her own earthly desires for riches and power. What good would being a god in the afterlife do her, when she could be one here on earth!

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

The first step was alerting Victor to her contact with Rufus. While it might seem contradictory to her plans, Vera was not foolish enough to believe that her connection to the man would remain undiscovered. Luckily she had crafted the perfect cover story!

Knocking softly on Victor's door she made sure to announce her presence to the scholar. "Victor, can I speak to you about something important?" she asked, placing a large amount of fear in her voice.

"Vera, you are shaking. What's wrong, love?" worried Victor as he quickly ushered her into one of the chairs in front of his desk. Kneeling at her feet he took her hands in his.

"It was so terrible Victor"

"What! What?!"

"I was so scared Victor. I thought that he was going to kill me."

"Someone tried to kill you? Tell me his name and I will make sure that he doesn't bother you ever again" threatened the dark man, a terrifying look upon his face.

Resolved to her course of action, knowing that there wasn't any going back now, she revealed "I was walking back from the farmers market and this man appeared out of the woods. He frightened me so! He grabbed my arm and dragged me into the woods". Sliding off her cardigan, Vera showed off the bruise she had created on her upper arm.

The movement achieved both parts of her plan. Vera noted how the man's eyes darkened in interest at her revealing her dressy tank top, she preened internally. The second part of the plan flowed seamlessly when the man caught sight of her broken and discolored skin. The flashes of rage, pain and horror flashed quickly across his visage, before settling into a forced calm.

The man quickly unlocked one of his cabinets and pulled out a first aid kit and began to clean her wounds. "What happened next"

"Then the man introduced himself saying his name was Rufus Zeno and that he needed me to get something for him from within the house".

Vera smirked internally as the man in front of her hissed in distaste at his nemesis' name.

"I just thought it would be money or something, but it turns out that he wants the Mask! I told him no, but then he threatened to kill me! I was so scared Victor, so I agreed to do whatever he said. He took my phone and has been texting me demanding information. I don't know what to do!"

"Zeno is one of the most dastardly and dangerous men in Britain, my dear. You must be careful, maybe it is for the best that you step away from Anubis house until he is caught"

Oh no, this was not going the way she wanted.

Thinking quickly, Vera created a counter proposal. "Wouldn't it be better for me to stay here with you. I am capable of protecting myself and now that I know that the man is a threat I can avoid him... or better yet! What if I pretended to be on his side? I could play him for info and keep him away from the mask. And then as soon as we have the tears of gold for the elixir we will be unstoppable".

She could see Victor mulling over the idea, his desire to get one over Rufus was warring with his need to keep her safe. Luckily her gamble paid off and Victor's need for vengeance won out.

"Very well, my dear" he granted, squeezing her hands tightly. "I only ask that you do not go and meet him again. Keep your contact to phone calls and texts only. This way you will remain safe. Soon we will have the mask and immortality and riches beyond compare will finally be ours".

Sliding her cardigan back over her bandaged arms, Vera knew that she had made the right choice in siding with Victor. Rufus and those meddling kids would have no idea what hit them.


Evie's Notes 2: I know that a lot of you dislike Vera, but honestly she's my fave villain. Because of that she will not be going anywhere anytime soon, and will play a key role in the plots of season 3. Hope you all still continue to read despite this, I appreciate your continued support .

Next Week: February 14th... is that date important?

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie🌺

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