Liliana XXXII

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Trigger Warning: Liliana gets cornered and has to deal with unwanted attention. If you don't want to read the scene, skip the section where she is in the kitchen. 

They had actually won! Jerome Ambs and Alfie had secured the Frobisher shield. After the match, Jerome, Poppy, Alfie, Amber, Liliana and Mara hung back for an impromptu photoshoot and to call Mr. Clarke to share the good news. Wrapping up the photo op, the group headed back to Anubis for the victory party.

The party was already in full swing as the group entered the house. The victorious ping-pong trio were swept up in hugs and congratulatory high fives by the grade ten and eleven students which left Lili with Mara. Liliana frantically cast her mind for something to talk about. It wasn't often that the two girls had been left alone together, Lili could probably count the number of times on one hand. Whenever the pair would be 'hanging out' together Jerome was always there to mediate and stop anything from getting out of hand. When she had first arrived at the house her opinion of the girl was already tainted by Alfie's stories and the call from Poppy. In hindsight Lili could admit that her actions had been rather antagonistic right out of the gate, but to be fair the other girl gave as good as she got. "So Mara... what are you planning to do for the holidays?".

The other girl rolled her eyes but replied, "My parents want me home even though we only have a week off. They're sending a car for me early Thursday morning".

"Well at least you'll get to spend some time with them" offered Lili

"Yeah, it'll be super fun" she muttered sarcastically. "A whole week of being paraded around and shown off to all their friends. The only plus is that Jacob will be home as well".

"Oh who's Jacob?"

"He's my older brother currently at University, he was gone on an internship all last summer so this will be the first time I've seen him since last winter hols".

"Well I'm sure you'll have a great time reconnecting"

"Yeah...I'm going to get some punch. See you later" agreed Mara leaving for the kitchen window where the food was set out.

With Mara gone, Lili looked around for someone to chat with since Roe and Ambs were still being congratulated on their win. Glancing over by the far wall Lili found Abigail from Osiris and her friend Joanna Burke one of the commuter students chatting on one of the couches. Liliana had been paired with Abigail on a project for their literature class back in September and they had got along rather well.

"Hey Abbi! Hi Josie, can I join you two?"

"Of course Liliana!" said Abbi scooting over on the couch to make room for Liliana. "That was a crazy ping-pong match!"

"I know right! It was touch and go there for a while with the fake balls and Amber's injury, but your boys pulled it off!" agreed Josie

"Yeah! When Ambs hurt her arm we were afraid we would have to forfeit the rematch. But when Alfred J Lewis gets an idea in his head there is no talking him out of it. Lucky for us, his ping-pong skills miraculously improved and we won!"

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