Liliana IV

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The new day dawning brought about new struggles for the teens. The beeping of the alarm woke Lili early the next day, rolling over she saw that Alfie had come in during the night. She smiled sweetly at her boys. Even with everything that life was throwing at their makeshift family, Lili was sure that they could handle it if they stuck together. Pressing a kiss to Jerome's forehead Lili headed back to her room.

While brushing her teeth Lili could overhear Amber and Nina arguing. "Come on Neens, you said it yourself that 5 heads are better than 3. We need Sibuna. We succeeded in finding the cup last year with everyone's help".

"No Amber! For the last time. This is too dangerous to involve anyone else. Let's just go to breakfast." What! What on earth could these crazy kids be tangled up in now? Knowing what she did of Amber and Fabian though, Lili was sure that they would ignore Nina's wishes and reach out to the ex-Sibuna members. Lili would just have to be ready when that happened. She couldn't in good conscious allow the three active Sibunas to continue on whatever insane quest this was without help. But she also didn't want her family to be put in danger. Alfie at least would sign on to join the quest to protect Amber, and Jerome would do so to protect Alfie. This meant that Lili would have to join up in order to ensure that they both weren't taking stupid risks. Having finished her make-up, Lili made her way back downstairs.

Jerome's door was cracked open which was weird to Lili. As she got closer, she could overhear Mara and him talking.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to interfere. I thought that this would mean so much to Poppy. She deserves to know her father".

"He wants me to go and visit him"

"Is that bad?" 'of course it is bad!'.

"No! How could meeting my estranged father in prison be bad? Yeah I would say that it is not good."


"I need to think about it. Maybe, I don't know. In the meantime I would appreciate you not telling any of that to Poppy".

"Jerome!" she pleaded.

"I mean it Mara. You owe me that much". Hearing the cracking of Jerome's voice Lili thought that it was definitely time to intervene.

"Well I think that is enough for today! Mara, Vera has breakfast on the table. We will be along in a moment". Lili quickly pushed Mara out the door before she could disagree and locked it behind her.

"You didn't need to get involved Lili. I was handling it."

"Yeah, poorly. Come on Roe, you know that you didn't have to tell her any of that".

"Whatever. It's better to just tell her up front. She will just keep pushing and pushing until I tell her".

"Well that is completely inappropriate! She should be respectful of your boundaries Roe!"

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