Alfie L

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Summary: Alfie does a little laundry and the dollhouse has a new clue for Sibuna.

Evie's Notes: Hey y'all I'm so sorry for going MIA lately. Real life has just been a lot recently. My depression/anxiety has been all over the place as well so I haven't really wanted to write. I really appreciate you comments though, I went back and read through them all again and they really helped to motivate me to write this chapter 3. I hope you all enjoy this latest installment!


As much as Alfie enjoyed the winter holidays, he was happy to settle back into a more normal routine. Unfortunately, a normal weekly routine involved lots of boring Sibuna research. Alfie sighed despondently from his place sprawled on Amber's bed flipping through yet another of Robert Frobisher-Smythe's many journals, looking for a clue to the missing reflectors.

"This is so annoying. I spend a very long time making sure that each of the little figurines have a job to do while we are in school. But then when I open it up, it's moved!" complained Amber to Fabian and Nina as she rearranged her dolls. "I know you have something to do with this" she accused Alfie while shooting an angry look his way.

"It isn't me" protested Alfie throwing his hands up in the universal symbol of surrender.

The sudden glow of the doll house cut off Amber's response. Sitting up Alfie scooted closer to the end of the bed as Amber whispered "I don't think it's Alfie anymore" drawing the other couple's attention.

"Vindication" shouted Alfie jokingly falling backwards on the bed.

"It must be Sarah" deduced Nina. "She's trying tell us something".

"Victor's office?" asked Fabian, "Why would they be in there?"

"Remember yesterday morning? When you asked Sarah for a clue as to where the objects might be, well this must be her response!"

"Well, Sibuna it's time to do what we do best" chirped Amber sharing a secretive smile with Alfie.

"Ransack his office" declared Alfie hopping to his feet and bounding out the door.

Amber laughed at his antics and Alfie could hear her urging the other two to follow him to the caretaker's office.

Cracking the door open Alfie watched as Victor walked down the stairs calling for Vera. Giving the signal to the others he led the group into the office.

"Just try to grab anything shiny" ordered Nina as Fabian, Alfie and her tore through Victor's belongings.

"Hurry up guys! He could be back any minute" urged Amber.

"I don't see any shiny things with bird symbols" replied Fabian.

"Well, the dollhouse says it's in here" snapped back Nina.

"I hear someone!" warns Amber waving the trio out of the room and over to the notice board.

Picking up on Amber's distraction plan Alfie called out "See I told you that it's your turn to do the washing up Fabian".

"Ah! Why yes, it is!" played along the other boy.

Luckily Victor seemed to buy their ruse as he passed the four Sibunas gathered at the top of the staircase without any argument and stomped back into his office.

Seeing that their chance to search the office was gone for the time being the group split up and Alfie decided to do some laundry.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

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