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Summary: Joy says goodbye!

Evie's Notes: Welcome to the final chapter of Tears of Gold. Thank you all for your support of this story, it truly means the world to me 💜! I hope that you all loved this story and enjoy this final installment 🌺.


With all the fun and stress of prom, the arrival of the group's first final came like a sneak attack. Unfortunately for Joy, she had more to worry about than just finals. The end of the school year meant that she would have to return home for a couple months. She had managed to avoid her dad last year by staying with Patricia.

This summer, Pep was planning to travel the music circuit with Piper for the first half of the summer, in hopes of repairing their relationship. The twins had of course offered for Joy to join them, but she hadn't wanted to get in the way of their bonding time. So instead she was facing a very long three and a half months puttering around her house doing her best to avoid her evil father... fun.

"Knock-knock Little J" came Eddie's voice as he poked his head into her room.

"Hey Eddie, come on in!"

"Are you studying, I don't want to be too big a distraction".

"Nah, I studied with Mara earlier and she's now gone off to harass Jerome, Lili and Alfie into using her flashcards. So I decided to use the roommate-free time to begin packing" Joy explained, gesturing to her still far too empty suitcase.

"Well that is actually what I wanted to talk to you about" beamed her best friend.


"How would you like to spend summer break with me in America?"

Joy's jaw dropped, "Really!? You mean it? This isn't a joke?"

"Of course not little J. I talked to my mom and gave her the bare bones of the situation... just that you and your dad have a bad relationship and that you would be safer staying with us. She said it would be cool if I brought you back with me. Mom loved meeting you back in December and is looking forward to getting to know you better if you stay with us" assured Eddie.

"I don't want to be a burden on you guys" hedged Joy. She really wanted to go, but could she really put Mrs. Miller and Eddie out like this?

"Please say yes, you would be doing me a favor! Mom is on the day shift for the next two months so I would be all by myself if you don't come".

"Well when you put it like that," laughed Joy. "I will be paying for groceries and my plane ticket and all of that though, so don't even think of trying to stop me".

"I wouldn't dream of it!" agreed the boy, dropping a kiss on her head before heading out of the room. "And maybe if we're lucky, Yacker will agree to come join us once her twin tour ends".

Joy couldn't keep a wide grin off her face for the rest of the day... even through her group's latin revision. She had started off this week sure she was going to spend the next couple months miserable, but thanks to Eddie Miller she was set to have the best summer ever!

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Summer Holidays meant that the Anubis house residents would be scattered to the four corners as they took advantage of their well deserved break. Mara would be attending several different summer courses to try and bolster her University applications. Amber was flying out to visit her dad for a couple weeks and then joining up with Alfie, Jerome and Liliana. The previous trio apparently planned to start the summer at Lili's family home and then travling around the UK over the coming months. Jerome and Poppy were apparently planning to use this time to grow closer with their dad. Having her own father issues, Joy was happy to see the siblings start to work through the complicated relationship.

Nina's gran had apparently been told to stick to warmer climates, so Nina planned to travel the Mediterranean with the woman and had invited Fabian to join them. The dorky boy had gladly accepted, since his parents and little sister Olivia wouldn't be home all that often leaving him alone all summer. Eddie and Joy had planned out a ton of fun activities for them to do over the coming months, including a cross-country roadtrip once Patricia joined them.

Vera had prepared a giant goodbye dinner for the students on their final night at Anubis house. The night was full of fun and games as the students enjoyed each other's company for the final time before they were separated for four months.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

"Promise me that you'll text everyday. And take lots of pictures?" worried Patricia.

"Of course I will, Pep" promised Joy.

"This will be the first time we'll separated for longer than a week since you were kidnapped"

"I know. But you are going to have so much fun reconnecting with Piper this summer. Besides I'll only be a phone call away... and I'll make sure to take my phone and BunsyBun with me this time" reminded Joy.

"Patricia dear, your cab is here" interupted Vera, breaking up the girl's goodbye.

"Thank you. I'll be out in a second, Vera" called back Patricia, before pulling Joy in for a tight hug. "Stay safe and have so much fun!"

"You too! See you in two months, Pepermint" instructed Joy, helping the girl carry her suitcases down stairs and out to the cab.

Eddie joined her to wave as Patricia's cab drove away.

"Ready to take on America?" he asked.

"Bring it on!"


Evie's Notes 2: Wow, I can't believe that this is the end of Tears of Gold!

Thank you to each and every one of you! I never thought that this would actually be finished, but here we are. Thank you so much for reading or commenting or leaving kudos on this fic. It truly means the world to me. I am so so grateful for the support this community has given me through this utterly crazy past year and a half. I hope that you loved riding along with Lili and friends through this journey.

The final chapter I will be posting is a teaser for the follow on fic, Winds of Change! The story will cover various summer breaks starting with Nina and Fabian.

Regardless of whether or not you check out Winds of Change, thank you for taking the time to read and support this story.

Please take care of yourself and have a wonderful day! All my love, Evie 🌺💜

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