Alfie V

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Alfie headed off in search of his soon to be ex-girlfriend after leaving his two best friends. For such smart people the two of them could be such idiots. Hopefully this will clear the air and the three of them could get back to normal. Being stuck in the middle of those two when they are fighting sucks! Heading into the school he passed Poppy in the hallway. Stopping to give her a hug and a piece of chocolate, Alfie wondered how the three of them were going to handle breaking the news of her father to her.

Passing Mrs. Andrew's classroom he almost ran into Amber as she was leaving the room. "Alfie! Where have you been?".

"Amber, do you have a minute we need to talk."

"Of course! Do you want to go get a latte in the café? I'm in the mood for a mocha mochaccino. Andrews is going to kill me with all of the assigned reading this semester".

"Whatever you want Amber". Alfie tried to steel himself to his current course of action. It will be better in the long run if they take a little bit of a break. Amber looped her arm through his as they made their way over to the café. He felt a little bad for tuning out her rambling, but he was trying focus on the speech he had prepared turning it over and over in his mind.

Grabbing their drinks from the barista the couple headed over to the window seats. "Ok Alfie, what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Amber you know that I like you a lot." He started, "You are so clever, creative, and fun" she glowed the way she always did when he gave her a compliment. "You are a good friend and I like you a lot, but..."

This caused her head to shoot up from where she was playing with her mocha. Her hand shot out to grab his arm. "What do you mean but?!?"

"Ambs" he sighed. She looked upset already. "I think we need to break up."

"What do you mean? No! We are not breaking up" she declared as her grip tightened on his arms, her perfectly manicured nails cutting into his flesh. Wincing he removed her nails from his arms and held her hands instead.

"Ambs, I just need some space right now. This isn't because I don't like you, but our current dynamic isn't healthy."

"What do you mean not healthy!" she shrieked; her mocha now forgotten. Waving off the unwanted attention from the other students in the café, Alfie responded "Amber, we don't have a balanced respectful relationship right now. We need to work on our boundaries and who we are as people"

"What do you mean we have a fine relationship!"

"Amber, love, we just need a little time apart to work on being respectful and understanding. I have PTSD from last year that I'm sure is going to be stirred up by our current extracurricular activities and I don't want you to suffer because of it. I'm already keeping the Sibuna secret from Lil and Roe. It's just a lot right now and I don't want to hurt you". He cringed seeing that she was starting to tear up.

"While its sweet that you apparently don't want to hurt me, that doesn't mean that we have to break up."

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