Mara Interlude

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Summary: A look into Mara's mind!

Evie's Notes: Happy Wednesday! I hope you all are having a wonderful week and staying cool in this crazy summer heat! Here is a little bonus chapter for you today! I hope you enjoy hearing from Mara!


Mara was not happy with the way things had been going recently. It seemed that everytime she put any effort in, it kept being thrown back in her face.

First, it was the election with Mr. Sweet diminishing her victory. Then, it was the whole Vera trial debacle. Now, Jerome was subtly starting to pull away from her, which Mara was sure was all Liliana's fault! With Mick gone, Mara's only remaining friends in Anubis House were Jerome and Joy. And now even Joy was out to get her! Joy knew how much journalism and getting her work out there meant to Mara, which made her decision to pull the ghost hunting article that much worse. Mara felt that she had finally found her niche with reporting, but with her ban from the School Paper by Sweetie... Mara was without a creative outlet.

Given her lack of a boyfriend and general friends in Anubis, Mara had been spending a lot more time with her Osiris, Isis and commuter student friends. Today she was having lunch with Natasha Taylor from Osiris House. The girl was rambling on about her boyfriend, Jude, and the vlog channel his little sister had started.

"Casey has been texting Jude non stop about her channel; and it has been super cool to see her life in Austaralia! I'm not a big reality TV fan, but since I know her, it makes the content more entertaining".

"That's so cool," gushed Mara.

"I'll send you the link to her channel later, I think that you might like some of the True Crime content she puts up every now and then".

"Wait, what? It's not just her filming days in her life?"

"She has lifestyle stuff, but she also wants to use her platform to raise awareness and bring some good to the world" explained Natasha.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Later that night, Mara couldn't stop thinking about her conversation with Natasha. She had been so upset about being banned by Sweetie that she had never really considered any alternate platforms. Just because she couldn't write for the university didn't mean that she had to give up reporting altogether!

Staring at the Squarespace login page Mara contemplated what to name her new website... "Jack Jackal" had a certain ring to it!


I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie💕

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