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Summary: It's gonna be a night, To remember, Come on now, Big fun ~ Alright, It's gonna be the night, To last forever, Forever and more, We'll never, ever, ever, forget! HSM 3 ~ A Night to Remember AKA: Anubis Junior Prom

Evie's Notes: Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜 I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this longer update today 🌺.


The days leading up to prom were extraordinarily stressful for Lili and Amber. On top of making sure their own gowns were ready, they were also making alterations for their friends and classmates. While the extra income from their classmates was appreciated, especially with summer coming so soon, the pair had overestimated the amount of time they could dedicate to these projects. Luckily, the school staff had agreed to Mara's proposal to give the 11th and 12th year students a half-day in order to allow them the maximum amount of time to prepare for that evening's prom.

"Lili, Natasha is here to pick up her dress" announced Amber, bouncing into the room.

Looking up from her sewing machine, Lili shot the gorgeous black girl a harried smile. "Hi Tasha, your dress is on the rack over there. It should fit you better now, and you won't have to worry about it falling down since I added some braided straps".

"Thanks Lili, you guys are the best" cheered Natasha, passing the agreed upon payment to Amber before heading out of the room with her finished dress.

"You should be so proud of yourself. You did a great job altering all of these dresses" congratulated Amber.

"Thank you Amber, but I could not have done any of this without you".

"Well I was happy to help!" beamed the beautiful blonde. "Is there anything else I can finish up for you?"

"Nope, Tasha was the last one to pick up her dress so I'll just finish the last minute alterations on my gown, do my make up and then we can roll out" declared Lili.

"Great! I'm going to go take my curlers out and finish Neen's look. Yell if you need me" beamed Amber. With her best friend out of the room Lili was able finish the last minute changes to her beaded dress.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

"You look lovely, Joy!" declared Mara, when Joy joined the girls at the top of the stairs. The girl truly did look beautiful in her sparkly pink gown.

"Thank you Mara. I adore the outfit your parents sent. The red looks gorgeous on you".

"You're too sweet. I've been waiting for the perfect moment to wear this new lehenga, and here it is" Mara answered, flaring the skirt to show off the gorgeous designs.

Each of the girls had gone with floor length designs this year instead of the knee length gowns they had worn the year before.

"I'm just impressed that you were able to make any alterations with all this tule" laughed Nina, adjusting her shimmery blue off the shoulder dress. "I am so grateful I could count on you guys to shorten my dress so I don't have to trip on it all night".

"I was absolutely terrified when I got all the dresses," admitted Lili. "Tulle is one of the worst materials to work with and I was afraid I was going to end up with ragged edges. Amber had to cut the first one for me because I was freaking out".

"You just doubt your skill Lils" argued Amber, stepping into the hallway showing the other girls her champagne tulle gown for the first time.

"Amby, that is a gorgeous gown" admired Patricia.

"Thanks! I had Daddy's assistant send it over from a shop I like in Paris".

"And here I thought Liliana's gown was going to be the showstopper, but yours is so pretty," offered Patricia.

"All I know is that Eddie is going to struggle to pick his jaw up off the floor when he sees you in that purple dress," cackled Lili. She couldn't wait to see the stunned look on the American boy's face upon seeing his girlfriend.

Grumbling embarrassedly, Patricia led the girls down the stairwell to meet their dates.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Amber had declared that pre-prom photos were an absolute must, so the Anubis students happily arranged themselves into various fun poses as Vera played photographer. Lili grinned at the camera as their housemother took her and Jerome's couple pictures.

"You look gorgeous Liliflower" complimented her boyfriend.

"Thank you! The dress took a lot of work, but I'm really happy with how it turned out".

"You could be wearing a potato sack and I would still think you look like a goddess" smirked her boyfriend.

"True. I'm sure that potato sacks would actually be a cool material to work with... maybe I'll make a summer dress out of one" pondered Liliana.

"Well I look forward to seeing what you come up with" laughed the tall boy.

When Joy and Ryn had finished taking their pictures, Amber began corralling the Anubis partygoers towards the school.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

"I'll take a stack of buttermilk pancakes and a hot chocolate" ordered Lili, passing the menu back to their server.

"That was so much fun!" cheered Amber bouncing on the booth's seat as if she could still hear the dance music.

"Inside voice, Amby" coaxed Alfie, though he was grinning just as wide.

"It was so nice to actually go to the dance this time," commented Nina, laying her head on Fabian's shoulder.

"Good call on an afterparty place Eddie, pancakes were a great idea" praised Joy.

"Aww, thanks little J. One of my first priorities after getting off the plane, besides getting some sleep and Yacker's name, was to find the best local pancake joint".

"Mapple Cakes is certainly the best place for pancakes" agreed Andrew.

"I'm just glad that Victor and Vera allowed us to come here. I thought for sure that they wouldn't let us go" remarked Mara.

"With some of the things you guys share about your caretakers, it's hard to believe they really exist. Do they really both have taxidermied pets?" asked Ryn.

"Yeah, but Delores and Corbierre are only two of the many taxidermeied animals around the house" explained Liliana. The amount of dead animals in the house was the least weird of the couple's behaviors.

"I think the fact that this is their date night played a large role in the decision to let us stay out" teased Jerome, causing several of the students to express their disgust over their caretaker's love life.

"Well I for one can't wait to try these pancakes," annouced Lili looking out across the restaurant at where their server was coming with a large tray.

"Seems like you won't have to wait long," announced Jerome, pointing out their server's approach, setting off the table in an excited uproar.


Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know what you want to see more of in the comments! Next Update: Final chapter as the students take their finals and get ready for summer break. I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie 🌺

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