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Summary: Amber's world falls apart

Evie's Notes: Happy Saturday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . This is the first of two... maybe three updates today! I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this new update🌺.


The plan started off well enough but in true Sibuna fashion it did not take long for things to take a turn for the worst. Amber was happy that she had decided to wear the earplugs she had brought since the faces of everyone who could completely hear were utterly blank. This allowed her to focus better on the plan at hand.

Once they were "hypnotised" Vera directed the four to follow her across the campus to the Frobisher library.

Amber nervously shifted from foot to foot as the Housemother unlocked the library. This was it... they would finally be getting the mask. The Sibuna Club would be free of Senkhara and her tourture within the hour!

"All right, children. Through the doorway now" directed Vera, as she ushered the four friends into the library.

Amber bumbled into the main room after the others and forced herself to keep her face still as Victor circled the group like a raven... clearly Corrbiere was rubbing off on him.

"It worked?!" asked their shocked caretaker.

"Like a dream" affirmed Vera. "In fact as far as they are concerned that is all this is, a dream". Laying a hand on the man's chest, Vera turned his focus to her. "They'll take orders but they won't talk back. Clearly the perfect teenagers".

"Excellent, my dear, excellent," hummed Victor. Turning his focus back to the teenagers, Victor asked "Alfie Lewis, would you like a slice of chocolate cake before we go?".

When Alfie refused to move, the adults grinned. Amber had to stop herself from shuddering, evil people should never look that happy.

"The memory box worked like a charm." gripping the man's tie Vera locked eyes with their house caretaker. "It is over to you now, you know what to do" she flirted.

"Well, with Robert as an opponent, one can never be absolutely sure, but I believe so" agreed the man, laying his hand on top of hers. The pair locked eyes for another moment, before Victor moved to unlock the secret passage.

"Just think Victor! Soon the mask and all it will bring will be ours!" cheered Vera.

"Indeed. Follow Vera children, go on" directed the caretaker as the group of 6 descended into the dark tunnels once more.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

The Senet game seemed to be going well enough, until they reached about three quarters of the way across the board.

"Rutter, Miss Williamson and Miss Millington, take one step forward. Lewis... Lewis.... So very clever, Robert" worried the caretaker. "This Senet board has playing pieces which are much harder to beat".

"But it's still the same as the miniature version isn't it? If you land on a Jackal Square they can take you" asked Vera.

"Yes, but they all spin according to a set pattern" explained Victor. "This one here always turns two squares in a clockwise direction, but I need more time to predict the others".

"Just do it" huffed Vera.

This wasn't good, clearly the man didn't know what he was doing and he currently held the love of Amber's life's freedom in his hands. She was finding it really hard not to turn around and scream at him.

"Lewis... step left" decided the man, causing Amber's heart to drop, since that spot was a danger square.

Alfie was slightly shaking and rooted to his space. Amber could hear him whispering "no, no, no, no".

"What's wrong? Why isn't he moving?" demanded Victor.

"Don't ask me! The box should be forcing him to move" snapped Vera.

Closing her eyes, Amber prayed that the gods would protect Alfie as he moved onto the danger square.

As soon as Alfie's weight touched the square, the statues started to spin ominously.

Amber had to hold in her scream as the statues scraped to a stop and the floor opened up and swallowed her best friend.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

As soon as Vera had uttered the release words and rounded the corner, Amber and the others hurried to the school. Hopefully Alfie had ended up in the same space as Lili and Nina.

"If we get caught breaking into the school, we are going to be in big trouble" worried Joy loudly as they waited for Fabian to pick the lock.

"That's the least of our worries, Joy" snapped Amber as she pushed past the girl to hurry into the now unlocked office.

Ripping off the grate Amber shouted "Alfie! Alfie, can you hear me?"

"Yeah Amby! I read you loud and clear"

Oh thank the gods, he was ok.

Collapsing backwards, Amber let Fabian talk to Nina. "Nina, is Alfie in the same room as you and Lili?"

"Yeah, he's here. A little shaken up, but he's good" assured the American.

Tossing the snacks she had snagged from the vending machine down the vent, Amber announced. "Nina, Lili, I just sent down some of his favorite snacks. Look after him for me, won't you?".

"Of course we will," promised Liliana's voice. "And thanks for the supplies refresh, I wasn't counting on being down here this long".

"Me either" bemoaned Nina.

"Alfie, I'm sorry" apologized Fabian. "Tonight was a stupid idea".

"Hey, it could have worked," argued Alfie's voice. "We had to try".

"Yeah, don't beat yourself up over it" comforted Nina.

"Look, we will try to get you three out of there very soon" promised Fabian.

"Look, it's late. You guys should get back to the house and get some sleep" suggested Lili. "The three of us are safe enough where we are and can wait to come up with a new plan till tomorrow morning".

Taking the blonde's advice, the tired topside group of 4 made their way back to Anubis house, and wearily to their beds.


Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know what you want to see more of in the comments!

Next Update: Eddie comes across a troubling situation.

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie🌺

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