Patricia LXXXXII

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Summary: Patricia deals with Eddie's delusions and comes to a startling realization

Evie's Notes: Happy Saturday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜. Today we are tackling the final battle against Senkhara and Rufus, so post the party next chapter we will be officially out of canon! I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this new update🌺.


Her boyfriend was an idiot. Who in their right mind willingly wandered into a sketchy barn miles away from campus? Eddie Miller apparently!

Glancing over at the blonde boy, Patricia was struck by a sudden horrific realization: he was cute and protective! Dimmer than a broken lightbulb for throwing himself into this situation; but clearly all he wanted to do was help and somehow she loved him all the more for it. When the hell did she give herself permission to love him?!

Patricia clearly had a lot of thinking to do on the ride back to campus.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

When the uber finally got back to campus, Lili ditched Patricia and Alfie with the concussed Eddie to dash off and save Jerome. Which was totally unfair! Patricia wanted to save Jerome... not play nursemaid with Alfie for Eddie. Alfie also looked to be about two seconds from running out on her as well. Patricia shot him a death stare, daring him to run off before they successfully got the American boy into the house.

Hustling up the stairs, the pair dragged the boy up the steps of the house and into the atrium.

"Does anyone else hear that?" asked Eddie. "Who keeps whispering?".

"No one's whispering weasel. It's probably just your concussion talking" assured Patricia.

"Miss Williamson, Mr. Lewis, what on earth is going on here?" demanded Victor, descending the stairs.

"Eddie had an accident, and the nurse told us to bring him back here" lied Patricia, hoping that Victor wouldn't notice they weren't in uniform.

"Very well, to your rooms please!" ordered the man, pushing past the trio to exit the house.

"No interrogation? Huh... I can't believe he bought that" remarked Patricia.

"Definitly weird, but maybe Victor had a bang on the head too. Anyways, now that we're back, I'm just going to go..." suggested Alfie, gesturing towards the kitchen.

"No" protested Patricia. "You can't go in that way. You don't have the person... to get through the thing".

"Huh?... OH! Oh you mean the lock- ... I mean the socket" covered Alfie.

Gods, he was an idiot.

"Don't worry, I'll just get in through the...slylbrary" finished Alfie 'slyly'.

"Guys. I'm concussed, and even I can see through your oh-so-secret code.

"Code... hah! What code?" scoffed Alfie, failing to brush off Eddie's comment.

Rolling her eyes, Patricia figured she had better get Eddie away from Alfie before he gave away anything else. "Okay! I'm going to make sure Eddie is alright and then I will catch up with you".

"Cool. See you soon, Trix" agreed the boy before dashing off into the kitchen to use the back door.

"Are you finally going to be honest with me?" demanded Eddie, once she had gotten him settled on his bed.

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