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Summary: Alfie and Amber's stakeout heats up 🔥🔥🔥

Evie's Notes: Happy Sunday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . Thank you so much for your patience as I worked on this chapter. Luckily this update is longer than usual 🎉! Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜. I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this new update🌺.


Maybe hiding in a closet with his ex-girlfriend wasn't the best idea, but hindsight was 20/20. Alfie found himself holding his breath as she shifted in front of him. Amber was so close that he could smell the sweet scent of her apple cider perfume and the delicious notes of her eucalyptus perfume. In the faint light he could just make out the focused crinkle of her eyes as she stared out the cracked door of the laundry room wardrobe.

"Any sign of her yet?" whispered Alfie; trying to take his mind off of the fact that he was currently stuck in a tiny cupboard, pressed up against his gorgeous friend. It was all his fault that that's all that she was, just a friend, because he had allowed a Patricia look - a - like to turn his head.

"Not since you asked two minutes ago" sighed the girl. "What's going on with you? You're acting strange".

"It's nothing" he tried to assure her, but his voice came out kind of strangled.

In the next moment he found himself nose to nose with a very worried blonde. "Is it your claustrophobia? Oh I knew that both of us hiding in here wasn't a good idea! I'll go hide in the dirty laundy bin, that way you can breathe. I'm so sorry Alfie!"

How was he lucky enough to have a girl this sweet in his life?

"It's not that Ambs. I'm doing fine, no need to go bury yourself in laundry".

"Are you sure? A few dirty clothes won't hurt me, but you not being ok will" she insisted

"I promise I'm ok, Amby. If it gets to be too much I swear I will let you know".

"You better!" threatened Amber with a serious look in her eyes, before shooting him a blinding grin and spun back around, resulting in Alfie catching a mouthful of her hair.

"Shhh" shushed Amber as Alfie sputtered, trying to get her blonde locks out of his mouth. "I think I hear someone coming".

The familiar click-clack of their house mother's heels and snick of the laundry room door closing was all the sign Alfie needed to hit record on his phone.

"Well?" floated their house mother's voice through the crack in the wardrobe.

"All done" came Dr. Alexander's smarmy voice. "She's having a lie down now, but should be right as rain soon enough".

"Did it work?" pressed Vera.

"Yes. Any residual memories are now gone, and the fake memories are planted" revealed the doctor.

"Excellent" cheered Vera. "Now you need to show me how it's done. I want to mesmerize those brats. Get them under my control and finish this bloody thing once and for all".

Leaning over Amber's shoulder, Alfie pressed his eye against the crack in the wardrobe's door which allowed him to clearly see the scheming pair.

"An Egyption Memory Box, this is my secret weapon" explained the doctor, holding up a black box with a golden scarab on top. "This is the memory box I used on Trudy, it's based on Ancient Egyption Memory theory. They believed that by offering their traumas to Seshat she would be able to switch them with happy memories. Your students must accept the box as a gift and believe in its power".

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