Patricia XLV

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Evie's Notes: The Sibuna Club tries to solve the task as their curses worsen and Peddie goes on a date! Hope you enjoy the new chapter!


Ms. Miller was honestly one of the coolest people Patricia had ever met. The lady was a total badass with a heart of gold. One of her favorite parts of the woman's visit had been when they had bumped into Mr. Sweet and Ms. Miller gave him hell for running out on his kid and dodging child support for years. This had the unfortunate side effect of Joy finding out who Eddie and Mr. Sweet were to each other, but she was quickly sworn to secrecy.

Patricia loved getting to know her and it was refreshing to see the positive relationship which existed between Eddie and his mother. It was sad how of the residents in Anubis house, only Mara and Nina had relatively positive relationships with their guardians.

Ms. Miller's visit also served as an opportunity to put off worrying about Sibuna related issues. But with Eddie having left to take his mom back to the airport with Joy, Patricia had to turn her focus once more to her impending doom.

Nina had caught Amber and her up about the Alfie situation over breakfast in the girl's room. Amber had rapidly aged over night to the point where she couldn't leave her room for fear of starting a panic. It had been decided that little Alfie would be referred to as his "little cousin" who had come to stay with Jerome while Alfie went out with his Aunt and Uncle. The clock was ticking dangerously fast and the Sibuna club were in desperate need of a lead.

Luckily Nina's attempt to call to Senkhara had worked and the spirit had played the song for her. Nina said that she felt confident enough in her memory of the melody, so the group made plans to meet up to try and complete the task.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Patricia, Fabian, Nina and Jerome stood around the four horns in the task chamber. Amber had been left to look after little Alfie and a now totally blind Liliana.

"So we all remember the tune, right? Even Fabian?" checked Nina worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah I got it" reassured the boy, shooting their fearless leader a soft smile.

"All we have to do is play it right, and then we can all go back to normal" ordered Nina.

"For Nina," began Fabian.

"For the mask," signed Patricia.

"For Sibuna" completed Jerome.

The group place their hand over their eyes and repeated "Sibuna".

At Nina's signal Patricia began to blow deeply into her horn. The others followed in quick succession, to create the haunting melody Nina had previously played for them.

As the tune came to an end the four students stood frozen in fear and anticipation as they waited to see if they had succeeded in solving the task and breaking their curses. The sudden shaking of the celling and loud blaring of the horns signaled their failure.

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