Jerome LXXVI

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Summary: Jerome confronts Mara

Evie's Notes: Happy Sunday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I hope you all enjoy 🌸.


Jerome was not taking the news of Mara spilling the private details of his family life. He had thought that she really cared about him and wanted to help, but instead she was gossiping about his problems to Joy of all people.

Jerome wasn't as betrayed by Joy posting the article, since the girl obviously didn't know the information was top secret, and had just seen a juicy story. Despite living in the same house for years, Joy and Jerome weren't all that close, if anything Jerome expected that Eddie would be the one with a bone to pick with his supposed 'best friend'.

Spinning the lock on his locker, Jerome unhappily gathered the materials he would need for his study hall period. Normally he would be happy to have the chance to knock out some of his homework before his shift and nightly Scooby Gang shenanigans, but given the recent revelation about Mara, well he would rather not be spending time with her.

Speaking of the devil, Jerome looked up to see the subject of his thoughts leaning against his locker. "Have you heard anything from your dad since our visit last Thursday?" chirped Mara cheerily.

"I'm not sure I would tell you even if I had," snapped Jerome, slamming his locker closed.

"What?" gasped Mara, rearing back as if she had been struck.

"Why did you have to go and tell Joy all my personal information, Mara?"

"I didn't!" she protested.

"I thought that you were being a friend, but clearly the whole time you were just taking notes".

"I promise that I didn't tell Joy anything" begged Mara.

"Well then how did she write it?'' When Mara remained quiet Jerome connected the dots. "She didn't write it. You did... You're the real Jack Jackal".

"It's a long story," she admitted.

It was like the clues had been in front of him this entire time and he was finally able to see the full picture. "But wait? Ninagate! That was you ?!"

"No! That was all Joy" denied the girl.

"But how?"

"Like I told you, it's a long story"

"I've got time," demanded Jerome. Best friend or not, Mara was going to answer for why she had put his personal information up online without consulting him.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

So in the end Mara didn't have a great explanation for her actions. She argued that she had wanted to showcase to the school how sweet Jerome was and how difficult familial relationships can be, since it was a theme many of her readers could empathize with. While not thrilled with her actions, Jerome grudgingly forgave her, she was his best friend after all. And as her best friend, Jerome had a duty to ensure that she had all possible opportunities for success available to her, which meant he needed an American.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

The meeting with Mr. Sweet actually went suprisingly well. Jerome was sure he had never had a calmer interaction with the man in his six years at the school. The pleasent atmosphere of the meeting had less to do with the topic, and more to do with the fact that the corrupt old man would do whatever it took to win over the son he had abandoned.

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