Bonus chapter 3/4: the proposal

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"You're actually gonna do it?" Hermione asked sipping her coffee, rising one of her eyebrows, her gaze on me.

I nodded running my tongue over my bottom lip. "Yep. Mione we've been dating for almost 11 years and we both know we're gonna get married. But I'm sick of waiting for him to drop the question."

"It's honestly about time. Ron and I have been betting on who will ask the other first and let me tell you I'm about to win." Hermione replied with a smile.

I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "You two bet on my Harry's relationship."

"All the time."

"That's fine I bet Harry 15 galleons that you and Ron are gonna end up together." I admitted. Hermione pretended to be shocked, placing a hand over her heart but just seconds later we both started laughing.

I turned to look towards the play ground that was right next to the cafe where Hermione and I were sitting and saw a small toddler with blonde hair running towards me, his arms opened.

I jumped out of my chair and knelled down opening my arms. Teddy ran into them and I picked him up, spinning him around while he giggled. I sat back down and Teddy put one of his small hands on my cheek, his hair turned brown to match mine.

"Did you have fun, little guy?" I asked giving him a water bottle. His lips pressed against the bottle he held with one hand, Teddy nodded happily.

"Hey Teddy, are you excited to spend a night with Auntie Mione and Uncle Ron?" Hermione asked smiling at Teddy who once again gave an enthusiastic nod.

"That reminds me. Hermione make sure to give him a glass off milk before bed. And make sure he washed his teeth." I told her.

" I told her

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". . . Wow." I turned around, finding Harry leaning on the door frame and smiling at me. "You look beautiful."

"Why thank you kind sir." I laughed putting my phone into my bag and zipping it. I walked up to him and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I can't wait for you to see what I planned for tonight."
"I think you'll love what I have planned for us."

A moment of silence followed after Harry and I said almost the same thing at the same time. We just started at each other for a couple of seconds.

"Oh." I said, repeatedly nodding my head trying to figure out how to go trough with my plans but also with his - what ever they were.

"We can do what you want." Harry said trying to stop himself from sounding disappointed but I knew him better than that.

"No." I shook my head. "We'll do whatever you had planned. Mine can wait."
Not that it'd have to wait. I could still go trough with the plan even if we went to some other place.

He smiled at me, his eyes filled with excitement. He leaned down and captured my lips into a kiss that we both let last for a moment too long. "I promise you won't regret it, love."

About half an hour later we arrived at the beach which surprised me since it was the last place I thought we would go to but I certainly wasn't going to complain

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About half an hour later we arrived at the beach which surprised me since it was the last place I thought we would go to but I certainly wasn't going to complain.
The weather was warm and hot summer wind slowly blew.

I took off my heals and turned to Harry. "Race you."

I started running along the shore, the water splashing every time I made a step. A moment later I heard Harry start running too. He caught up to me and tackled me onto the ground. His hands were wrapped around my body, one of his palms before my head so i wouldn't hit the ground directly when I fell.

We laughed and Harry laid down onto the send next to me. In silence the two of us watched the starts that were spread across the sky.

"Hey Harry."


"Marry me."

Harry started coughing and instantly jumped up to his legs. ". . . What?!" I got up as well, brushing the sand of my dress and reached into the pocked of my coat, pulling out a small blue box.

"I'm serious." I said opening the box to reveal a male engagement ring. "I thought it was time to take the matter into my own hands so --" I got down onto one knee fighting the urge to start laughing. "Harry Potter, will you marry me."

Harry got down onto one knee in front of me and pulled out a small red box, opening it and revealing a female engagement ring inside.
"Only if you marry me too, Y/n Lockwood."

"Yea." I replied grinning like an idiot.

"Good." He grinned back. "Because my answer is also yes."

Harry slid the engagement ring onto my finger then i did the same for him. We both chuckled before meeting eachother half way, leaning into a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Keep on dreaming, junior."

                              𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞

"Why is ... he ... jumping like an idiot." Snape asked sending a questioning look in the direction of James Potter.

"Harry and Y/n/n got engaged and James if having a fan girl moment." Lily replied lightly shaking her head with a smile displayed on her lips.

"Who proposed?" Snape asked not being able to stop his own smile. He was glad she was finally happy after everything she went trough, she deserved to be happy.

"They both did." Tonks told him, leaning into Remus's side.

"But who did it first?"

"Y/n did." Remus said.


"Then why did you ask?" Sirius asked Snape annoyed.

"What are you even doing here Snivellus?" James added another question. "Go away, shoo, don't ruin my happy moment."

Snape glared at James before turning around swiping his cloak and walking away mumbling something to himself.

The three Marauders, Lily and Tonks all stood together watching the happy couple laugh together down on Earth. "Oi! Sirius!" James called out to his best friend who replied with a hum. "You wish that was you, huh?"
"Oh piss off Prongs."

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