Chapter 58: sectumsempra

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"How did we break up?" Ron asked watching Lavender who was glaring at him from the other table

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"How did we break up?" Ron asked watching Lavender who was glaring at him from the other table. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be rid of her. But what exactly happened?"

"You said something while you were unconscious." I told him smirking.

"You say, you don't remember anything from that night?" Hermione asked him, "Anything at all?"

"There is something." Ron said unsure. "But it can't be. I was completely boggled, wasn't i?"

Ron! You ginger idiot!

"Right, boggled." Hermione said looking down at the table. A group of few girls passed past us and Hermione looked at them. "Harry! That's Katie."

Harry closed the book shut, kissed my check and got up. He walked over to Katie and started talking something with her. Katie shook her head, confused look on her face.

I turned to the other side of hall where Draco was standing, looking really anxious. He fidgeted with the collar of his shirt and  he looked like he was about to break down any moment. He hurried out of the great hall and Harry ran after him.

There goes my peaceful morning.

"Excuse me." I said to Ron and Hermione getting up and running after two boys. By the time I made it out of the hall they were already gone, so I tried my best to follow Harry's scent hoping to find them in time.

The closer I came to the bathrooms the louder the noises got. I started running the fastest I could when the smell of blood hit my senses.

I burst into the bathroom, stepping trough the water and running up to Draco who was on the floor, cuts on his chest his blood staining the water and his shirt.

"Harry! Confirm did you use Sectumsempra or not?" I asked him kneeling on the ground. I lifted Draco so that he way laying into my lap. Harry looked like he was in state of shock, "Harry please now is not the time to freeze."

". . . yes." He said his voice barely above whisper. "I swear I didn't know what it was going to do, Y/n please believe me."

"Later, now just find me something I can clean him up with." I pulled my wand out from my robes and traced over the cuts. "Vulera Sanentur"

Severus ran into the bathroom as well, not saying a word and kneeling on the other side of Draco, helping me heal him. We didn't need to say anything, maybe we hated eachother right now but healing Draco was more important.


I jumped in front of James, rising my hands up and creating a shield. The spell hit against my shield and disappeared, leaving me to put my hands down.

I looked at James to check if he was okay, hoping I came here in time. When I was sure I turned to glare at Severus who was breathing heavily, his eyes wide.

"Y/n -"

"Disgusting." I hissed at him. "If that's how you take revenge, are you really better than him?"

Harry gave me a few small towels once Draco's wounds stopped bleeding. I ripped Draco's shirt open and gently cleaned his chest from the blood, ignoring the fact that my fangs were drawn out.

"Severus, take him to the hospital wing." I stated firmly. I got us and took Harry's arm leading him out of the bathroom.

"I promise I didn't want that to happen." Harry said shakily, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in a hug. "I know you didn't, but don't use spells you don't know the effect of or things like this happen."

"Now we are going to do something that should have been done years ago." I said taking Harry's hand in mine. "What?"

"Hide the stupid 'half-blood prince' once and for all."

"The room of Requirement

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"The room of Requirement." Harry said when we walked in into the room now filled with all sort of weird things, mechanical instruments and god knows what else.

I nodded and took the book from his hand. "Close your eyes, that way you can't be tempted."
I threw the book in the air and used two fingers to levitate it somewhere near the end of room. "You can open your eyes now."

Harry opened his eyes, looking at me with a loving smile. He stepped closer to me and placed his hand on my cheek. I smiled and leaned into him palm, putting my hand over his and brushing my fingers over his knuckles.

Harry leaned towards pressing his lips against mine. I returned the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck while he wrapped his around my waist pulling me closer if it was possible.

After a few long moments we pulled away, our foreheads pressed together. We were gazing into eachothers eyes both of us smiling. "I love you so much, Y/n."

"I love you too, even if you can be a dorky idiot sometimes."

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 |𝐇. 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now