Chapter 59: the battle in the astronomy tower

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I ran my fingers trough the air, wind now blowing even faster than before

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I ran my fingers trough the air, wind now blowing even faster than before. I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. The sky was dark, clouds making a veil.

Where the hell are you Albus?
You better be keeping Harry safe.

Suddenly Harry and Dumbledore apparated in front of me. Dumbledore looked like he was sick and Harry was helping his walk. I ran up to them and put my hand over Dumbledore's shoulder helping Harry support him.

"We need to get you to the hospital wing sir." Harry said as we guided Dumbledore towards the place where he could sit. "To Madam Pomfrey."

"No, Severus." Dumbledore mumbled. "Severus is who I need. Wake him, tell him what happened. Speak to no one else."

Harry looked torn, not knowing if he should go or not. "Severus, Harry." Dumbledore said.

A noise of doors opening came and Dumbledore looked at me then at Harry. "Hide yourselves, you two."

Without thinking I hugged Dumbledore tightly. "Goodbye Albus." I whispered, I already knew what will the outcome of this be. It wasn't hard to guess.

Albus nodded and pushed me towards Harry. "Hide below herring, don't speak or be seen by anybody without my permission. Whatever happens its imperative you stay bellow."

Harry grabbed my hand and both of us looked at Dumbledore. "Trust me. Harry, Y/n, trust me."

We hurried down trying to make the less noise possible and stood under the herring. Both of us watched as a figure made its way up to the Astronomy tower. "Good evening Draco. What brings you here on this fine spring evening?"

"Who else is here?" Echoed Draco's voice. "I heard you talking."

"I often talk to myself, it can be extraordinary useful." Harry and I tried to go even closer so we could see what was going on better. "Have you been whispering to yourself lately?"

Draco and Dumbledore continued to look at eachother for a few moments before Dumbledore spoke up. "Draco you're no assassin."

You're weak, Y/n. You'll never be strong enough to fight me, you're no assassin.

Draco wasn't the best guy, and in quiet some ways he remained me of myself when I was his age. When I became a Death Eater, I wasn't the same person I am now. Before-Y/n was weak, she didn't want to fight she wanted to settle things down in the most peaceful way possible.

She was fool. A fool who got herself killed.
I just hoped Draco wouldn't make the same mistakes I did.

"How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you." Draco said but his voice gave away how upset he truly way. His heart was rapidly beating against his chest.

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return she'd bear a cursed necklace to me?" Dumbledore asked. "Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison? Forgive me, I can't not help but feel this actions are so weak. Its like your heart wasn't truly in them."

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