Chapter 11: celebration party

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We got back to the common room with all of the Gryffindors cheering Harry's name. And before we know it, we're having a full blown party in the common room with music drinks and most importantly loud cheering crowd.

"I finished placing silencing charms." Hermione said, making her way over to me with a cup of something in her hand.

"That's great Granger. I'm going to change be back in a second." I told her and she nodded. I went to my dorm and pulled the closet doors open, searching for something to wear.

I put on a short black dress and a pair of black boots. I let my hair fall down my shoulders and quickly applied a bit of make-up. Satisfied I turned to look at my reflection in the mirror.

I walked down the stairs to be greeted by the same scene that I left

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I walked down the stairs to be greeted by the same scene that I left. Wild half-drunk, dancing and cheering people.

I quickly spotted Hermione and made my way over to her, stealing someones drink in the process. I downed what ever it was in the cup and its not really strong but its not like I can get drunk anyway. Hermione smiled when she saw me, "Hey Y/n you look wonderful!" She said loudly because of the music.

"Thanks Hermione. You look beautiful as well!" I told her causing her to smile and blush looking down.

I turn towards the table and grab a bottle of whiskey. They do have some good stuff if nothing else. I open the bottle and pour in a glass for myself. "Want one?" i ask the witch standing next to me. She shakes her head and i put the bottle back on the table.

"You were worried," she said, "about Harry. Like, actually worried."

"Of course I was." I replied looking at my nails.

"I'm just trying to figure out why. You barely know him, and yet you seem wiling to risk everything for him."

"Oh, little girl." I said, "I wasn't there for his father and mother. And once upon a time, I promised James that I'll always and forever be his friend. The least I could do to repay everything James did for me, is to protect his son. So yeah, I am willing to risk everything."

She gave me a small smile, and nodded her head. Soon enough next to the cheering the next loudest thing is Harry's shouting.
Hermione and I made our way to the center of the crowd to see Harry holding up a golden egg in his hands.

"Who want me to open it!?" He asks and the whole room goes into the cheering again.

Harry opens the egg, and it lets out a terrible sound. My hands instantly fly up to my ears, having a vampire super hearing isn't helping in this situation. Everyone is covering their ears with their hand and their facial expression read: pain.

"Close it!" I shouted to Harry who did what I told him. As soon as the egg is closed the sound is gone and is replaced by everyone in the room breathing heavily.

"Let's not do that again." I suggest taking the egg from Harry's hands.

"Yeah . . . agree." Harry says looking at the egg.

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 |𝐇. 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now