Chapter 78: the boy who lived has come to die

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              ⚠️TW : This chapter contains death and violence

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              ⚠️TW : This chapter contains death and violence

              ⚠️TW : This chapter contains death and violence

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Harry walked into the forest slowly. It was dark and cold, much like he had expected. He took out the Golden Snitch from his pocket and looked at it while the words 'I open at the close' appeared.

"I'm ready to die." He murmured his voice barely above whisper. He brought up the Snitch and pressed his mouth against it. It opened revealing a stone inside.

The stone flew into the air slowly, Harry caught it in his hand. "The resurrection stone." He squeezed it in his hand, closing his eyes. When he opened them again he saw Lily, James, Sirius and Remus around him.

Lily outstretched her hand towards his and with a shaky breath he walked up to her outstretching his hand as well. But he couldn't touch her, she was just a ghost the stone allowed him to see.

"You've been so brave sweetheart." She said lightly. The boy looked at her for a few seconds. "Why are you here? All of you."

"We never left." Lily told him.

Harry was about to speak again, when a familiar figure of a girl appeared on the empty side of the circle. She wore a smile on her face even trough she was falling apart inside. "Aren't you forgetting about someone?"

Sirius chuckled. "Still the same." She shrugged her shoulder and hugged him. "Of course."

She pulled away, looking at Remus. A mixture of smile and hurt on her face. She walked up to him pulling him down and wrapping her arms around him. "I'll miss you, you idiot."

"Red?" Lily questioned with a small smile. "Flower!" The girl turned to her, running into her embrace. Redhead was quick to return the hug not wanting to let go of her friend.

"All this time! After all this time." James whined. "Not even a 'hello'. Or 'how are you James?' No! No, don't worry about me I'm fine."

She chuckled looking at the man. "Hello, my dearest friend." She ran up to him, he picked her up and spun her around. " That's better. Its nice to see you again, Vixen."

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