Bonus chapter 1/4: teddy

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*five days after the battle*

"I'll be honest I was surprised when you called me

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"I'll be honest I was surprised when you called me." I admitted taking the cup filled with tea. "But I'm glad you did, Andromeda. Its been such a long time."

"Andromeda?" She chuckled. "Since when have we been so formal with eachother, Y/n/n?"

"Years have passed. I didn't know how you feel about me Dodo." I said with a small smile.

"You are basically family to me, Y/n/n." Andromeda told me. "No matter if you have fangs or an unicorn horn you're still the same girl Sirius brought as his date to my weddings. The same girl who dyed his hair neon pink."

I laughed nodding my head. "It was so long ago yet it seems like it was only yesterday. I'm sorry, about Ted. I heard what happened. About Tonks too."

She was about to speak when a babies cry filled the room. "Wait for a second." Andromeda got up and left the living room coming in a few minutes later with a crying baby in her arms.

"Is that Teddy? Can I hold him?" Andromeda smiled and gently passed Teddy into my arms. He was so small and so adorable.

Teddy stopped crying when I started rocking him back and forth slowly. He got into a comfortable position in my arms and fell back asleep. "He's so amazing." I said looking at the small baby in my arms.

"That's one of the reasons I called you." Andromeda admitted. I looked up at her waiting for her to continue. "Have Remus and Dora spoke to you about anything involving Teddy."

I shook my head. "No. They didn't really . . . have time."

Andromeda nodded kinda sadly. "They left a letter. Saying what they would want to happen with Teddy if they didn't make it trough the war."


"And they made you the guardian, and Harry the godfather." She told me.

"What do you mean, the guardian?" I asked her, confusion slowly filling me.

"The two of them --" she started trying to find the right words. "They wanted you to raise Teddy, Y/n."

"They wanted me to raise . . . Teddy?" I repeated my words sounding more like a question.

Andromeda nodded. "Yes, but in the end choice is yours. Raising a child is a big responsibility and you should be able to chose whenever you want it or not."

I looked at the small boy in my arms, in his sleep he turned slightly to the side and put his little hand on my arm. "I'll do it. I'm going to give him the best childhood. Like ever."

Andromeda laughed and smiled at me. "I wouldn't expect anything less from my favorite Marauder."

"Oh my god!" I bit my lip because i didn't want to wake Teddy up with how loud i was. "I need to buy baby clothes, and toys. And a crib, and dippers. Diapers . . . I don't know how to change a diaper."

"Calm down, Y/n/n." The woman told me sipping her tea. "I'll teach you how to change a diaper. I should have enough experience considering I had a child a too."

"Yeah . . . yeah." I nodded. "I will learn how to change a diaper. Its not advance magic, just diapers."

"Aha." Andromeda grinned at me. "Also you should know that he's Metamorphmagi just like his mother was."

I kicked open the doors of the Burrow since I couldn't really use my arms considering i was holding Teddy

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I kicked open the doors of the Burrow since I couldn't really use my arms considering i was holding Teddy. I bumped the doors with my shoulder so that they open enough for me to walk in and closed them with my leg.

"Blimey!" Came Ron's shocked and rather loud voice. "Harry mate what did you do!?"

Harry ran down the stair and behind him was Hermione. They both stopped after almost falling a couple of times and looked at me.

"Is that a child?" Harry asked breathlessly.

"No its a potato." Hermione glared at him. "Obviously its a child, Harry."

"This doesn't make any sense." Ron shook his head confusedly. "You're supposed to carry a child for nine months, how did you get yours in a couple of hours."

"Its not my child you idiot." I said looking at Ron. His eyes widened and he did a double-take at me. "Did you kidnap a child?!"

"Someone hit him for me."

Hermione snacked Ron's arm and nodded at me. "Thanks Mione. Of course I didn't kidnap a child Ronald. This is Teddy and now shut the fuck up before you wake him up."

"Teddy? As in Remus's and Tonks's kid, Teddy?" Harry asked walking over to me.

I looked at him and smiled. "Yep. I didn't know but Remus and Tonks make me his guardian."

"So you're telling us that --" Ron gestured to Teddy. "-- that baby is legally your child now."

"More or less, yes." I replied. "Oh and Harry, you're the godfather."

"By bringing him here, I assume you're going to be taking care for him." Hermione said looking at me with a soft smile. I nodded and turned to Harry.

Hermione looked between the two of us and grabbed Ron's arm leading him out of the living room. "We'll give you some privacy."

I sat down on the sofa and moved some pillow so I can put Teddy on them. "I know I should have talked to you first because its the two of us and not just me anymore but I --"

Harry silenced me by pressing a kiss to my lips. "I love you." He knelled down next to the sofa and looked at the sleeping Teddy. "And this is amazing."

"Really?" I asked a smile breaking onto my face.

Harry nodded. "Really. We would've started our own family at sometime anyway. This is just a bit earlier than expected, but I wouldn't want it any other way."

I smiled at him. "Neither would I."

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