Chapter 01: the letter

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New York

I threw myself onto my king-sized bed and closed my eyes listening to the music that was playing in the background, and feeling the warm sun coming trough the window on my skin.

Currently i was in New York, enjoying how slow and unproblematic my life was at the moment. I had a habit of moving often since I left New Orleans back in 1990. I guess one positive thing about knowing I had a forever left in front of me was the fact that I had time to explore all the placed I dreamed of visiting when I was a child. And it wasn't like I could stay in one place for more than five years, people would get suspicious about a teenage looking girl who doesn't age.

I moved my fingers, drawing shapes in the air and gigling at the different colored sparks decorated the air around me.

I don't really think about ti often, but getting to keep my magic was something I was grateful for. It was the one real remainder of who I was before all the madness.
Yet being a heretic didn't bring me anything good. At first I thought I would be hunted down and killed by the council but I was completely confused when they send a messenger with a letter letting me know they wished for me to become one of the members.

But the reason the wanted that was nothing good. I wasn't an important person in the vampire world, not until then, I wasn't a person whose name was worth remembering. But they wanted to make me one, they wanted to turn me into someone they could show off on every event.

And after about eleven years of denying I simply left. Knowing it was a matter of days before one of their trackers would knock on the doors.
Perhaps it would be him, perhaps they wanted to torture me just a bit more so they would send my ex fiance.
Which, if they did, would be a total dick move.

I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and got up. My destination was the kitchen that remained completely clean at all the times since I could never be bothered to actually cook something in it.
And besides, not like I could actually cook. I'd probably burn the penthouse and the whole building down.

I opened the fridge, hearing the glass bottles of juices clang as they hit one another. My eyes focused on the only left blood-bag in the corner and I sighed knowing I had to go hunting soon. Or at least pay some hospitals a visit. 

I slid into one of the chairs and snapped my fingers, changing the song, and then tearing the blood-bag open and pouring the blood from it into a glass that was on the counter from the previous night.

Sitting in silence got very boring very fast. I got up and moved into the living room that was surprisingly quiet clean. I grabbed some random book from the shelf and sat down on the sofa. I didn't bother to check the books title but one thing was for sure. If you ever read it over someones grave that person would rise back from the dead only to kill you.

I left the now empty glass on the coffee table and went back to my bedroom. I looked around for something to do in order to pass time deciding that maybe it was time for me to get an actual job. Sure I still had about a billion in my back account from when I was working in Bloodbath but it would be a good opportunity to waste time.

My eyes landed on an old photo album. It had leather covers but they were mostly burned, yet every time I saw it, it brought a smile to my face because I was happy that I still had something that held all of the memories I made with my friends.

I grabbed the album and flipped trough some of the pages, finding a picture of James tangled in a sweater that his mother sent him for Christmas.

"Merlin, James, did someone take your brain away from you by surgery or were you just born without one?" I asked, not being able to contain my laughter anymore.James Potter, one of the biggest pranksters at Hogwarts, now had his arms tangled in a sweater. He glared at me but when he proceeded to move he fell onto the floor.

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 |𝐇. 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now