Chapter 27: dumbledore's army

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"We are not learning how to defend ourselves, were not learning how to pass our OWL's. She's taking over the school and doing nothing good." Hermione complained and we all silently agreed giving her a nod.

Harry turned around to increase the volume of the radio that was on a small table behind the couch.

" . . . Further more we believe that this disappearances have something to do with the notorious mass murderer, Sirius Black..."

I turned around and switched the radio off almost knocking it of the table in process of doing so. I hate news.

"Harry!" Hissed a familiar voice. We turned around to see Sirius's face in the fire.

Harry and I said at the same time and all four of us hurried to the fire place. "What are you doing here?"

"You said you were worried about Slutbri-  . . . excuse me. Vix and I are too much alike, and they said the opposites attracted. Anyways, you said you were worried about Umbridge." Said Sirius "What is she doing? Making you kill half-breeds?"

"She's not letting them do any magic, Si." I told him.

"Can't say I'm surprised, Vix." Sirius told us. "Latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat."

"Combat?" Ron questioned, "What does he think? That we are forming some sort of wizard army?"

"That's exactly what he thinks. That Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the Ministry. Becoming more paranoid every minute. The others wouldn't want me telling you this but things aren't going well with the Order. Fudge is blocking the truck at every turn. This disappearances are just how it started before, Voldemort is on the move." Sirius explained to us.

"Well what can we do?" Harry asked.

"Someone is coming." Sirius whispered "I'm sorry I can't be of more help. But for now at least, it looks like you are on your own."
And after that the fire went out.

"He really is out there isn't he?" Hermione asked shaking her head. "We got to be able to defend ourselves and if Umbridge refuses to teach us, then we need someone who will."

"This is mad!" Harry said

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"This is mad!" Harry said. "Who would want to be thought by us? I mean I am a nutter remember?"

I huffed putting my hands in the pockets if my coat. "And I am a scary girl who ran trough corridors with blood dripping down her chest."

"WHAT!?" Hermione almost yelled out. "When did that happen?"

"Last year." I replied.

"Look on the bright side." Ron commented. "You two can't be any worse than old toad face."

"Thanks Ron." Harry mumbled giving Ron a half smile. Ron smiled back "I'm here for you mate."

"Who is supposed to be meeting us then?" I asked as Hermione cracked the door open. "Just a couple of people." she replied.

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