Chapter 34: patronus charm

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"Make it a powerful memory and allow it to fill you up

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"Make it a powerful memory and allow it to fill you up." Said Harry walking around the Room of Requirement's. "Seamus, keep trying!"

"You are doing fantastic Ginny." I told the ginger girl who just produced a large silvery blue horse.

"Just remember, your Patronus can only protect you for as long you stay focused. So focus!" Harry said.

"Luna." I walked towards the blonde girl who was attempting to do the spell. "Come on, I'll help you if you need it."

"Expecto Patronum!" Luna pronounced the spell and a moment later a hare shoot out of her wand, and started bouncing around the room.

"Amazing! This is advanced stuff, you guys are doing amazing." I said proudly looking around the room.

I walked up to Harry and wrapped my arms around him from behind. "Hiya." I whispered in his ear.

He turned around to face me and pecked my lips. "Hello. Now Miss Lockwood, I believe its your time to preform the charm."

"Oh really Professor Potter?" I asked teasingly.

"Really." Harry replied smirking at me.

I giggled and pushed him away, lifting my right hand with my wand it it. "Expecto Patronum!" Silver strings shoot out of my wand creating a big proud looking stag.

I confusedly looked at the stag who was in front me. It nudged my arm with his head and I chuckled. "My Patronus changed."

"Really?' Harry asked shocked. "What was it before?"

"Before it was a huge dog, and now its a stag." I replied smiling at Harry.

"Brilliant. What memory did you think of if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't usually offer things like this love, but I can share the memory that I thought about with you if you want." I said.

Harry's eyes light up and he smiled at me. "I would love that."

I smiled back and offered him my hand. "Alright then babe, take my hand."

He placed his hand on mine. I closed my eyes going trough the memory again and pushing it to him so that he would be able to see it.

"Are we actually going to do this?" Remus asked sounding highly concerned.

James and I turned around and smirked at him. "Yep."

"Come on Moony it will be fun." Sirius added.

"I fail to see how jumping in the Black Lake will be fine." Remus stated glancing at the lake.

Peter was the one who replied to this. "Just relax Remus. We're gonna be fine."

Currently the five of us were standing on a rock in our underwear, ready to jump down in the lake.

"Oh my, look!" The voice of Marlene McKinnon shouted out, and before we knew it a small crowd was around us waiting to see if we really jump.

"Red don't." Lily said to me. I turned around to see her and Severus standing in the front both looking at me. I smiled at the red head "Don't worry flower, I'll be fine."

I took James's hand, James took Sirius's hand, Sirius took Remus's hand, and Remus took Peter's hand.

We all silently smiled at eachother. "one .... two .... three!"


We jumped all at the same time falling into the water. I slowly opened my eyes, ever trough it was hard to do so and saw the rest trying to do the same.

We all high fived eachother before swimming up to the surface. The crowd cheered for us loudly shouting our names.

I shivered from the coldness of water and turned to James splashing him with water right in his face. He chuckled before splashing me - but ended up splashing Remus who was next to me. Soon after the water fight broke down with us laughing loudly.

"What in the Merlin's name is going on here?" Minerva asked pushing past the crowd surrounding us. She gasped when she saw us. "What do the five of you think you are doing? And why are you in your underwear?!"

Sirius smirked at her and winked. "We're just taking a dip in the water professor."

I pushed Sirius's head into the water and smiled innocently at Minerva. "As for our ... lack of clothes, surely you don't expect us to swim in our uniforms."

She looked at us, her face screaming annoyed and mad. "I don't expect you to swim in the lake at all."

"Then why is there a lake on the school grounds?" James asked smirking.

"Ughh! You give me headaches. Detention with Flich tomorrow." After saying this she turned around and walked off groaning once more.

A silent second passed before the crowd along with us burst out laughing. "Oi James..." I called out.

He turned his head in my direction only to be met with a water bubble hitting him. "You. Are. So. On!"

I removed my hand from under Harry's who had a huge smile on his face. "You guys really did that?"

"Aha. We just loved getting up to trouble. Even if it meant getting detention." I replied smiling back at him.

He suddenly pulled me into his embrace wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in my hair. "Thank you. For letting me see it."

"Always." I told him stroking his back.

Suddenly the light began to flicker, and chandeliers shook. The whole room went quiet and everyone looked around to see what was going on. Harry and I pulled away from eachother. All of the Patronuses vanished. Out of nowhere the mirrors on the wall shattered into big dangerous shards falling onto the floor and revealing the dark wall behind them.

This can't be good.

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