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Why hello my lovely people.

Yes it is me again, and yes i have in fact started yet another attempt at a LMH spin-off. For those of you who don't follow me and didn't see the announcement, there is a sequel for this book, in which Y/n comes back to London after a year (Marauders still alive).

Name: Little Bloodsucker
Pairing: Sirius Black x Y/n Lockwood (heretic version)


Y/n Lockwood is dead, she's been for over an year.

Or so everybody thought until one night she shows up to defense of the Marauders in their brutal fight with her old friend Severus Snape.

But she's not the girl they all knew. She's not the girl Sirius Black fell in love with, not the girl that shared her chocolate frogs with James Potter, not the girl who was always there for Remus Lupin and not the girl who fought with Peter Pettigrew over cookies.

She's a vampire, a killer. Cold blooded with only little emotions left, Y/n is barely recognizable to everyone including herself. She must embrace the new feeling seeing her old friends brought out, and when she promises them to give them a chance to convince her to stay she already knows she's in too deep.

Is the girl they all knew still inside or did she die that night the Lockwood manor burned down? Sirius still loves her the same but Y/n isn't sure if she can say the same, she however is sure of one thing, even after everything she would still die for him, just like before.


And i promise that i will actual finish this one (its okay if you'd believe me, i wouldn't believe myself either) but I am sure. If you do decide to check it out you can find it on my profile.

Love, Nadia.

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