Chapter 77: grief

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️TW : This chapter contains death and violence

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️TW : This chapter contains death and violence

Passing trough the courtyard filled with people attacking eachother was a challenge but after that we were running to the boathouse the fastest we could.

We made it to the boathouse and his behind a wall. "You have preformed extraordinary magic with this wand my Lord." I heard a familiar calming voice say. "In the last few hours alone."

"No." Voldemort replied. "No, I am extraordinary. But the wand resists me."

"There is no wand more powerful." Severus told him. Harry grabbed my hand with his own and gently squeezed it. "Ollivander himself has said it. Tonight when the boy comes, it will not fail you. I am sure of it It answers to you . . . and you only."

"Does it?" Voldemort asked. "The wand, does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man Severus, surely you must know. Where does it true loyalty lie?"

"With you." Severus replied holding his hands together behind his back. "Of course, my Lord."

Voldemort then spoke again. "The Elder wand cannot serve me properly because I am not its true master. The Elder wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live the Elder wand cannot truly be mine. You have been a good and faithful servant Severus, but only I can live forever." 

I bit on my bottom lip trying not to laugh.
Only I can live forever.
Did this guy never hear about vampires or what? Because its seems like he didn't.

A moment of silence passed. "My Lord -" Voldemort whipped his wand trough the air and the next moment Severus fell onto the ground with a loud thud, his back against the wall we were behind of.

My mouth hung open in the air, tears filling my eyes and blurring my vision. "Nagini, kill!" Harry pulled me into his embrace, holding one hand over my mouth and rubbing the other along my arm.

After hearing the sound of Voldemort apparating, the four of us didn't waist a second to go into the room. Severus was lying on the floor, looking very weak and there was a strong smell of blood filling up the room.

Harry walked up to him and carefully placed his hand over the bleeding wound. Shaking more with every step I made I somehow managed to walk up to the two of them before I fell onto my knees next to Severus.

"Why did they do that?" I asked cleaning the cuts the pale boy had on his face. He winced and shrugged his shoulders. "You heard your friend, they don't like me hanging out with Lily."

"That's stupid." I said pressing a paper towel to his bloody lip. "I'm so sorry about them. I'm Y/n."

"I know who you are." The boy replied. "Sorry . . . . Snape, Severus Snape."

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