Chapter 15: the song of the golden egg

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Sun was shining trough the windows straight into my eyes, causing me to wake up

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Sun was shining trough the windows straight into my eyes, causing me to wake up. I sat on my bed and looked around the room where everyone else was still sleeping.

Was last night real or was it just a dream? But the dress robes on the floor next to my bed were proof enough that it was true and not a part of one of my silly dreams.

I really kissed Y/n last night. And she really kissed me back!

A sun-ray fell on the golden egg making it glisten. I needed to crack the it soon. I already told Hermione I figured it out but in all honesty I had no idea what to do.

Soon all the boys woke up and it was time to head to breakfast. I quickly got dressed and Ron and I went to the Great Hall.

The first thing I noticed when we walked in was the fact that Hermione was sitting alone instead of usually sitting with Y/n.
I was for sure happy that Y/n and Hermione had become friends and that she was, at least, somewhat trying to tolerate Ron. Because is such a short time Y/n managed to have me completely head over heels for her, even tho she kept warning me.

"Hey Mione," I said sitting opposite of her, "where's Y/n?"

She stayed silent for the moment avoiding my gaze. "I thought you could tell me that." She admitted. "She usually waits for me in front of my dorm but she didn't this morning and she's not in her room and not in the library, so I thought she was with you." 

I could feel myself getting worried because even tho I didn't know Y/n well enough to be able to judge her actions, she herself admitted to me that when she gets overwhelmed she tends to run away.
Is that what happened? Did I overwhelm her last night because I kissed her, did I make her run away?

"No I haven't seen her since last night."

"Maybe she decided to leave." Ron said earning a smack on the arm from Hermione.

"If positive she didn't." Said Hermione sensing my uneasiness. What if she really did decide to leave?

"You could always try using the Marauders Map. I'm sure she here somewhere." Ron suggested.

"Yeah you're right." I said "Wait for me I'm going to get the map from my room." Hermione opened her mouth to protest but I was already halfway out.

I quickly got the map and met with Ron and Hermione in the common room. We opened the map and searched for Y/n but she wasn't here. She wasn't anywhere on Hogwarts grounds.

I could feel my breathing getting out of rhythm and nervousness take over me.

"Maybe we should ask Dumbledore, I mean he must know since no one is allowed to leave the school grounds without his permission." Hermione suggested and I nodded.

" Hermione suggested and I nodded

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