Chapter 19: always in trouble

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Harry had just calmed down after what happened. Both of us were messes seeing as both of us were crying for about an hour. We were still in the same hallway, still in the same position.

"Miss Y/n would it be a problem if I borrowed Harry for a moment." Moody asked coming up to us with some sort of urgency.

Harry nodded, dusting off his clothes. I kissed him on the cheek ad whispered "I'll be in the common room. Just call if you need me."

I was walking towards the Gryffindor tower when I saw Severus, Minerva and Dumbledore searching the halls for something

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I was walking towards the Gryffindor tower when I saw Severus, Minerva and Dumbledore searching the halls for something.

"Y/n did you see Harry?" Minerva asked me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, he went to talk with Moody." I replied, "Why?"

Minerva stepped away from me and said something to Dumbledore while Severus stood in front of me, "Because we suspect its not the real Mad-Eye Moody." Severus told me.

I stiffened, why must Harry always be in life treating situation?
"Come, I can still smell his blood, it hasn't completely dried out."

I followed the smell of Harry's blood trough the corridors with the two professors and one headmaster behind me. We found a room in the dungeons, with a heavy metal and also locked door. From the room, loud and clear could be heard Moody's yelling. Or fake Moody's.

Dear Merlin we better have made it in time.

"Stand back." Dumbledore told us. Severus wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me backwards when I didn't move myself. I gave him a 'thank you' look just as Dumbledore shoot out an Expelliarmus at the door blasting it open.

We all hurried inside, Dumbledore holding Moody by throat in a chair. "Severus!" Dumbledore called out to Severus who was next to me. I elbowed him and he took out a bottle of Veritaserum and poured it down Moody's throat.

Minerva had her wand pointed at Moody, while I had a flame in my hand - one of the many cool tricks I learned during my vampire-witch years. And a something I used as a way to cope with my trauma after dying in a fire.

"You know who I am?" Dumbledore asked. Moody answered halfly chocking, "Albus Dumbledore."

"Are you Alastor Moody?" Dumbledore asked holding his wand closer to the persons neck.

"No" The fake Mad-Eye Moody said breathing heavily, "Is he in this room? Is he!?"

The fake Mad-Eye looked at the trunk made of metal on the floor next to Harry. "Harry get away from there." Dumbledore said trough gritted teeth.

Harry ran over to us and I pushed him behind me before firing a spell at the trunk.  It opened revealing another one, and another one . . . and another one?

Until there was finally a long pyramid of them. We took cautious steps towards it and looked down in what seemed to be a lot deeper than expected. Down there, a hand over his missing eye was the real Mad-Eye Moody.

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