Chapter 24: back to hogwarts

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Harry's hearing was over, and thank Merlin he wasn't expelled

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Harry's hearing was over, and thank Merlin he wasn't expelled. He went with Arthur while I stayed back at the Grimmauld place, the house that held way too many to me important, memories. I spent most of the day with Sirius in his room and the rest with Harry who spent at least 15 minutes spying on Sirius's and me.

Guess that it was a good thing he didn't come in when we rolling on the floor, trying to see who can over power the other one, because he would've definitely gotten the wrong impression.

And now . . . now we were walking trough the train station, with Sirius running after us in his dog form.
"Padfoot are you barking mad?" Moody asked whispering angrily to the dog Sirius. "You'll blow the entire operation."

Pads ran in one of the empty rooms and turned back to his human form. Harry took my hand in his and together we followed into the room after Sirius.

"Sirius what are you doing here?" Harry asked closing the door behind us.

"Si, if someone sees you . . ." I began but didn't finish. I didn't want to mention Azkaban.

"I had to see the two of you, didn't I?" Sirius smiled at us. He sat down in one of the chairs and we sat next to him, both on the opposite sides of Sirius. "What's life without risk?" He asked putting his arm around Harry's shoulder.

"Something you never knew the meaning of." I replied sarcastically. Sirius huffed and smirked at me.

"I don't wanna see you chucked back in Azkaban." Harry said what we both were thinking.

"Don't worry about me." Sirius told Harry. He put his hand in his pocket searching for something. "And anyway I wanted you to have this."

He pulled out a folded picture and gave it to Harry. Harry opened the picture looking at it for a few moments in complete silence. "The original Order of Phoenix." Sirius suddenly said.

Sirius pointed at some familiar and some unfamiliar faces at the picture, "Marlene McKinnon." He said pointing at a girl I recognized from when we were at Hogwarts. Marlene was one of my closest female friends, of course I would always remember her.

Everyone on the picture looked older than i remember them but that didn't surprise me, since i knew that the last time i saw them they were all just 16.

"She was killed 2 weeks after this was taken." Sirius said. I felt a wave of guilt wash over me looking at the picture in Harry's hands. "Voldemort wiped out her entire family."

"Frank and Alice Longbottom." Sirius murmured his eyes dropping to the picture where Franks and Alice were looking at eachother, "They suffered a fate far worse then death if you ask me."

Sirius shook his head and clapped his hands putting them on his lap. "Its been 14 years, and still a day doesn't go by that I don't miss your dad."

I put my hand on Sirius's back and leaned my head on his shoulder, "You and me both, Sirius."

"Do you really think there's going to be a war Sirius?" Harry asked changing the theme. He didn't want to talk about his parents and I respected that.

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