Chapter 16: a step in the fog

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Streets of London are apparently cold as fuck. I pushed the sleeved of my jumped down the palms of my hands, already regretting that I didn't bring a scarf or gloves but it was too late for regrets now.

Why did I think getting up this early would be a good idea? Lucky for the trio they are still peacefully sleeping in their room. They are probably going to think that I'm crazy when they find the note.


I dived my hand into my purse and pulled out a small, crumbled piece of parchment that I was supposed to leave for Harry and his friends so that they don't think I just ditched them. Well, I hope they won't get worried.

"Y/n, I suppose."

I looked up and saw a tall guy probably in his 20's in front of me with a notebook in his hands. His dirty blonde hair was falling over his face probably because the wind blew it away and his cheeks were red from the cold.

I smiled at him. "Yes, and you're Daniel I suppose."

"Yes, come on let's get inside its freezing." He said opening the door of the tall building for me. I smiled at him once again and walked in. He walked after me closing the entry door.

"So Y/n, what made you interested in buying a flat in London?" Daniel asked me pressing the elevator door.

That's a good question. Why was I doing this? I promised myself that I wouldn't live in London for at least another 100 years, or at least nor as long as my friends and perhaps their children were still alive. So why was I standing here with a professional house seller?

I plastered a small smile on my face going for the only good option - lying. "I grew up in London, but after high school I  wanted to travel. I think I finally decided to return to London for good."

We walked in the elevator and he pressed the 5th floor button, "That's amazing. Where did you travel if you don't mind me asking?"

"No its fine." I said, "Some of the places where i've been are: Chicago, Las Vegas, Moscow, Frankfurt, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Amsterdam and many other places."

I smiled to Daniel who smiled and nodded back. "A woman with taste."

"Thank you," I said as I watched him unlock the doors to one of the apartments.

He stepped to the side and let walk in first, then came in after me. Daniel closed the doors and took his coat off, hanging it. "Let me show you around first."

I nodded and followed him from the hall into the big glamorous living room.

I nodded and followed him from the hall into the big glamorous living room

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"This is the living room, it has big windows and direct sunlight. Its good for plants and even for tanning on couch if that what you wish for." He said making me chuckle.

"This way." He said climbing up stairs with me following behind him,"This here is the bedroom. Just like the living room it has big windows and a lot of space."

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 |𝐇. 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now