Chapter 13: be my date

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"That's pretty much it, Potter Junior." I said placing my hand on the boys shoulder, "You are ready to rock the Yule Ball dance."

"You think so Y/n/n?" Harry asked me.

"Yes, I do think so." I told him with a small encouraging smile, "We went over the dance five times by now. You're more than ready."

He sighed and smiled back at me, "Good because if i wasn't McGonagall would kill me."

"Well she never killed me and I did something much worse on our Winter ball in 6th year." I replied.

"Now that you mentioned it, what is it that you did on Winter Ball?" Harry asked looking at me with puppy eyes.

Cute but I basically made puppy eyes. Those don't work on me, unless you're Sirius Black. And, Harry, you're not.

"Nice try Harry. Anyway I need to go help Hermione with something but see you later Potter Junior." I pecked him on the check before running off.

But I still got to see him smile and blush, stuck in the same place where I left him, unable to move.

But I still got to see him smile and blush, stuck in the same place where I left him, unable to move

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I was walking trough the hallways, taking the time to enjoy Hogwarts once again. Even trough I've been trough this hallways about a hundred times I still found it interesting and fascinating to go trough them.

I knew Hermione would lecture me if I was late, but I was feeling to lazy to use my super speed. While walking I was so lost into my own world that I didn't even notice there was a person in front of me.

Being the clumsy person that I am, I bumped straight into whoever it was in front of me. "Sorry." I quickly mumbled before looking at the person and seeing no one other than Ron Weasley.

"Hey Y/n, don't worry I wasn't looking at where I was going either." He apologized looking down on the ground, "Do - do you know where Harry is?"

"Yeah, last I saw him was near the lake why?" I questioned the ginger boy, "Are you gonna finally pull the stick out from your ass and apologize to him?"

"I-" he started but shook his head, "yeah I deserved that. And yes  I am in fact going to apologize to him. I know he didn't put his name in the goblet but I guess I was just...-"


"Yes I was. But Harry is my best friend and I should be there for him no matter what."

I patted his shoulder and looked the ginger boy in the eyes speaking firmly, "Don't pull shit like this on any of your friends ever again. Sometimes you don't realize the value of some thins before you lose them, Ron."

He looked at me as if thinking about what I have just said. I smiled weakly and continued to talk. "God knows I would give everything up to see Lily and James one more time. True friendships are a rare thing. Don't fuck it up just because you were felling a bit jealous, Ronald"

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