Chapter 42: animagus

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"Its getting late. We should just drop it okay?" Remus said getting up from the chair.

We were in the Shrieking Shack attempting to finally transform for Merlin knows what time.

"Absolutely not!" I turned to glare at him. "We already told you Rem, we're not giving up."

"Yeah Remus. What kind of friends would we be if just gave up on you?" James asked.

"Guys this is illegal." Remus tried to argue with us.

Sirius turned his head around and looked at Remus smirking. "So what?"

"Please -" Remus started but I cut him off. "One more time. If it doesn't work we'll go back to school and try again tomorrow."

Remus sighed, knowing there wasn't anything he could do to stop us. "Fine."

All of us closed our eyes, trying as much as we could.
I started feeling weird and when i opened my eyes the room was bigger than I remember it. So was everyone else.

Remus, James and Peter were looking down on me with wide eyes. Next to me was a black dog which I assume is Sirius.

We did it!

"Woohoo!" James yelled happily. "They did it!"

Remus smiled getting on his knees and petting me.
"Hey I wanna pet her too!" James said pushing Remus aside so he can take his place. "Aw you're so cute Y/n/n."

That made me think. What am I?

Sirius barked at them slapping James's hand with his paw.
Sirius and I looked at eachother for a second before we both leaped towards and started running out of the Shrieking Shack into the forest.

I could hear the guys shouting and running after us. But that didn't stop us from continuing our run.
This was much more fun than I expected.

After some time both of us got tired and we returned to the Shrieking Shack, where the guys were waiting for us.

"Finally!" James said walking towards us. "Don't you two dare run off like that again."

Remus looked at his wrist watch before his head snapped up. "Its almost morning! We need to get back into the castle."

"Okay." Peter said. "Can you two transform back?"

I tried closing my eyes and imagining myself as a human again. The same weird feeling washed over me before I opened my eyes to find myself next to James.

But when I looked at Sirius he was still a dog. He kept closing and opening his eyes over and over but nothing happened.

"I think he's stuck." I commented getting on my knees next to Sirius. I patted his head and starched behind his ears.
"Can some of you tell me what animal I am?"

Remus opened his mouth but James covered it with his hand. "I'm gonna tell her. You're a red fox."

"Wicked." I smiled.

"What are we going to do with Sirius?" Peter asked.

"Well we have to sneak him back into the castle some way." I replied. "As for classes we'll say he isn't feeling well."

"That could work." Remus told me. "But what if we get cough?"

"Will thing of something then." James said. "But we should really get going now."

We passed the Black Lake, Sirius running next to us and barking at threes

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We passed the Black Lake, Sirius running next to us and barking at threes.
James tugged my arm and pointed to Minerva coming our way.

Remus, Peter, James and I got closer to eachother and pushed Sirius behind us just in time.

"What are you four doing?" Minerva asked us.

"Walk!" I said a bit too fast.

"We wanted to take a morning walk." Remus said smiling at the teacher.

"You wanted to take a walk?" She asked us.

"Yes professor. Don't you know that morning walks are the the best." James smiled.

"Aha." She eyes us suspiciously. "And where is Mister Black? The five of you usually never get separated."

"He went to look for something." Peter said earning an elbow in the ribs from me.

I smiled. "You know Sirius, professor. He's always forgetting something."

"You are acting more suspicious than usual." Minerva commented. "Why are you standing like that?"

Without thinking I threw an arm over James's and Peter's shoulders. "We love eachother so much that we need to be close all the time."

Remus tried to force a smile. "Yeah ..."

She looked us up and down and shook her head. "You're hiding something. Move away from eachother."

"No!" James almost yelled. "We can't do that professor."

"Too bad I wasn't asking Mr Potter. Now move away from eachother." Minerva said firmly.

We sighed and moved away from eachother expecting the worst. But instead -
"Oh, Mr Black?"

We smiled at eachother and turned to look at Sirius. His hair was messy and his clothes a bit wrinkled but at least he wasn't a dog anymore.

"Good morning professor." Sirius said smiling at Minerva.

Minerva sighed and looked at us. "Just go back to your common room. All of you."

We nodded and smiled at her before running away. After getting in the common room we all went to the boys dorm.
I jumped on James's bed and let out a breath. "Damn, that was close."

"Yeah it was." James sat on his bed next to and put my legs in his lap.

"Do you realize how close we were to getting caught?" Remus asked us.

We all nodded and Sirius was the one to speak. "But you have to admit it was fun."

"Except that part where you got stuck." I said.

"But everything turned out fine." Sirius smiled sitting on his bed.
"What am I?" He asked.

I opened my mouth to tell him but James put his hand over my mouth shutting me up.
"You're a dog." He said.

"That's so cool." Sirius chuckled. "I can't wait to find out what you guys are."

"Neither can I." I said getting up from the bed. "I'm gonna take a shower and get dressed. Classes should be starting soon."

 I walked up to Sirius and brushed some hair out of his face. I leaned down and whispered, "I always knew you'd be my bitch Black."

I smiled pulling away. "See you later guys."

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