Chapter 48: quidditch tryouts

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"What about this one?" Ginny asked pointing to a picture of me kissing the top of Sirius's head, while his whole face and hair were covered in red powder.

Currently Ginny and I were sitting in my dorm and she was looking trough my old photo album. She would occasionally ask me about pictures and who were the people in them and I would tell her the story behind the picture.

"You see," I chuckled leaning into her shoulder, "it was Christmas break and all of us decided we were going to stay at Hogwarts together. A week earlier Sirius messed with my potion so as a payback I dyed his hair pink. After that a whole prank war kinda broke out. A few days before Christmas we agreed to call it a truce but I filled his present with red powder that exploded in his face when he opened the box."

Ginny laughed and flipped onto the next page. "You played Quidditch!?" She asked excitedly tapping her finger on a picture.

I looked at the picture a smile breaking out on my face. It was James and Sirius holding me up, each of my legs over one of their shoulders and me holding up a Snitch high in the air.

"Yeah I did. I was a seeker back in my days." I replied tracing my fingers over the photo.

"You should totally try out for the Quidditch team! I know Harry's a seeker but there's an open position for a chaser and you would sure be good at it." Ginny exclaimed.

"I don't know Gin."

"Come on, Y/n/n,  it will be fun. And besides your boyfriend is the Quidditch captain. It certainly can't hurt you to try." Ginny kept giving me a list of reasons why I should try out.

Finally I heard enough and said "You know what? I'll do it. If I make the team wonderful, if I don't it doesn't matter."

Ginny smiled at me and embraced me in a hug. "It will be amazing, I promise you."

"Give it up Lockwood." The Slytherin seeker hissed at me.

"I don't think so." I hissed back.

We were flying towards the snitch, neither of us giving up. Gryffindor was winning against Slytherin already, but if I catch the snitch now it will be an instant win for us.

The boy next to me tried to knock me off my broom and I don't exactly know how, but he ended up falling from his own broom.
Less work for me.

Upon seeing a golden ball with wings I started going faster towards it. I was close enough that I just needed to reach my hand up and take it.

"Y/n! Watch out!" Both Sirius and James shouted somewhere from behind me.

I turned my head around just a bit to see a Bludger flying towards me. I didn't have any time to react and it hit my broom causing me to fall off it. I grabbed the snitch just in time and the next thing I knew I wall falling trough the air.

But instead of falling onto the cold, hard ground I landed in someone's . . . lap? I looked up and came eye to eye with Sirius who was holding me with one hand and the broom with other. "Nice catch." I said taking in a breath.

"Yeah." He smiled. "You are."

"I would hit you but I'm holding the snitch." I told him. "Wait, the snitch!"

I help up my hand with snitch in it proudly. The whole crowd of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepufs started cheering loudly.

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