Chapter 54: games and parties

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I opened my eyes and the first thing i saw was Harry still snuggled into my chest

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I opened my eyes and the first thing i saw was Harry still snuggled into my chest. Thanks Merlin he was back to his normal self.

"Good morning." Harry mumbled looking up at me, I smiled at him. "What? Y/n, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Hewo I'm Hawwy." I teased pushing his hair out of his face and kissing the top of his head. "You are such an adorable toddler."

His eyes widened and he shook his head. "Oh my god. No!"
I started laughing and Harry glared at me. "I'm sorry I can't . . . Honestly if you don't babysit your boyfriend who got turned into a 6 year old by his best friend, are you even together?"

Harry laughed and shook his head. "Come on, we should get ready for the game."
We got dressed and went to the Great hall for breakfast. Hermione and Ginny were already there when we arrived.

Ron was the last one to come to the great hall. Of course wearing his helmet, he was met by people wishing him good luck and other teasing him.
I caught Draco's eye, he way staying silent and looking down until his grey eyes met mine. I smiled and waved. He slightly smiled back and waved.

Ron sat down nervously putting food on his plate. Lavender Brown come over, "Good luck Ron, I know you'll be brilliant." She giggled and ran off.

"I'm resigning." Ron sighed. "After today's match McLaggen can have my spot."

Harry shook his head and pushed a goblet towards Ron. "Here, have some pumpkin juice."

"Hello everyone." Luna said in her usual voice. I just now noticed that she was here, she was wearing a costume with a huge lion head. I guess that she's supporting us. "Hello Luna, you look nice."

"Thank you." She said in her dreamy voice. "You look dreadful Ron, is that why you put something something in his cup. Is it a tonic?" Luna asked turning to Harry.

Harry put a small vial in his pocket, Hermione instantly recognized it. "Liquid Luck. Don't drink it Ron."
Ron ignored her and took a sip, almost immediately looking braver.

Hermione glared at Harry "You could be expelled for that." Harry shrugged his shoulders "I don't know what you're talking about."

Ron's face began turning into a grin "Come on guys we have a game to win."

The field was cold and snowy, I didn't really bother me considering that vampire's got have a preference between hot and cold

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The field was cold and snowy, I didn't really bother me considering that vampire's got have a preference between hot and cold. We can roll down in snow in nothing but our underwear and we would be fine.

The game started and we all soared trough the chilly air. I quickly spotted Blaise Zabini, the new addition to the Slytherin team, with a Quaffle. I swooped towards him and he roughly bumped my shoulder causing us to nearly collide and crowd to gasp.

I gripped my broomstick so hard my knuckles were turning white but I stayed on it. Blaise tried to score but Ron stopped it, he stopped every single shot going his way. The Slytherin team didn't even score once.

However me and Ginny shot a good few trough the loops much to the disappointment of the Slytherins. Eventually Harry caught the Snitch and Gryffindor won. As expected there was a huge party in the Gryffindor common reminding me of old times.

I downed a glass of fire whiskey before pushing trough the crowd of people until I found the four I was looking for. I joined my friend in the corner of the room.

"I'll miss this once Hogwarts is over." Sirius said. I bumped his shoulder. "Come on love, we still have this year and the next once."

He turned to me and smiled. "Yeah, and don't think you're getting rid of me so easily." He leaned down and kissed me, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"There's no point in telling you to stop." James said causing us to pull away. "You will simply ignore it."

"You're absolutely right Prongs." I grinned and James rolled his eyes "Maybe find a room for a change."

Sirius and I looked at eachother and got up from the couch we were sitting on. "Don't expect to be able to come into your dorm tonight."

"Y/n! Come on!" James threw his head back and groaned. To this I simply smiled and shrugged my shoulders. "What you told us to find a room."

"Yeah but I didn't mean our dorm."

"Maybe you should specify that the next time Prongs." Sirius said.

"You know you shouldn't have done it." Hermione told Harry.

"I know." Replied Harry. "I suppose I could've just used the Confundus Charm."

Hermione shook her head "That was different. That was the tryouts this was the actual game."

"And he didn't actually put it in." I said reaching into Harry's shirt pocket and pulling out a still full vial.

"Wait you knew?" Harry asked me shocked as i handed his the vial back.
"Of course I knew."

"Ron only thought you put it in. Clever!" Hermione smiled at us and Harry nodded.

My eyes fell on where Ron was. Lavender Brown was behind him, stepping closer then away as if she was debating whenever or not she should do something or not. Finally she tugged Ron's arm and when he turned around she pulled him down, kissing him.

Hermione turned around and left, I ran after her and Harry was after me. I found her sitting on the bottom of stairs. There were some small birds around her.
Harry and I walked down the stair hand in hand and sat down next to her.

"Charms spell." Hermione said, "I am just practicing."

"They are really good." Harry said while I rubbed Hermione's arm. "Sweetie look at me, its going to be fine I promise you. It going to hurt but it will pass trust me."

"How do you know?" Hermione asked trough tears, I pulled her into a hug. "Because I went trough this already. I know what it feels like to see the person you love snog someone else."

Harry sucked in a breath when the words left my mouth. He was about to say something but then Lavender and Ron burst in gigling.

"Oops." Lavender said clinging onto Ron's arm. "I think this room is taken." She went out but Ron stayed. "Whats with the birds?" Ron asked clueless.

I glared at him and so did Hermione. "Oppugono." She said and the birds chased Ron out of the room. Hermione leaned into my shoulder and sobbed.

I turned to Harry and smiled sadly. "Could you get us a glass of water." Harry nodded and kissed my cheek before getting up. "Sure."

After Harry left it was just me and Hermione. I wiped her tears away and she looked at me. "How did it feel Y/n/n?"

"It felt like this."

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