Chapter 21: whipped

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What else was I expecting, to be honest. It was always like this. It was always push and pull with Sirius, so why was I so surprised to see him snogging a Hufflepuf? Did I really think that we were actually going to change?

Merlin I am stupid. Sirius and I are the two biggest players at Hogwarts, we aren't going to change overnight.

I felt a tear run down my check and shook my head. Get your shit fucking together Y/n, you aren't letting him win.

I turned around on my heal and continued walking down the corridor. You wanna play Black? Then let's play. With a small smirk I was trying hard to keep on my face I went to the library.

I saw Remus sitting at one of the tables reading a book and made my way over to him. I sat down opposite to him and pulled out my own books, "Sorry I'm late Rem, I had to take a de-tour."

"No problem, Y/n/n." He replied looking up from his book, "You still want to study or do you want to do something else?"

"No, its fine. And the exams are coming up anyway we should study." I replied giving my friend a small smile.

And we did. We studied for almost an hour until James, Sirius and Peter came into the library and sat down next to us. There was no possible chance that we could study now.

"Vixen you alright?" James asked me throwing an arm around my shoulder. "You're gripping that table really hard." He said pointing to where I was gripping the table with my hand so hard my knuckles were turning white.

I turned to James and gave him a fake smile, "Oh its nothing Prongs. I just forgot to do something." I said getting up making sure that I 'accidentally' kicked Sirius under the table while doing so, "So I have to go and do it, or do him - I'll let you know once I'm done."

And with that I ran out of library leaving 4 confused friends behind me. I mentally hit myself for doing this, but I ran to the dungeons and like I hoped Malfoy, Severus and a few others were in the corridor.

"Y/n!" Severus called out to me  when he saw me. I quickly cough my breath and walked over to them with a smile plastered on my face.

"Sev." I said looking at him for a second and then turning towards Lucius, "Malfoy, I thought about what you asked me."

Lucius cocked an eyebrow and looked at me with his stone cold grey eyes, "And? What did you decide, Lockwood?"

I plastered a smile on my face and looked the bleach-blonde guy in the eyes. "I would love to go on a date with you."

Severus gasped looking at me wide-eyes while Regulus Black smirked. I smirked back at Sirius's younger brother before returning my gaze to Malfoy who smiled at me. "Well I'll pick you up at 8 tonight. See you, Y/n."

"What the fuck did you do this time Padfoot?" James asked me pulling me behind a shelf

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"What the fuck did you do this time Padfoot?" James asked me pulling me behind a shelf. I looked over at the table where Remus and Peter were talking about something, far enough so they can't hear us.

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