Chapter 74: break into gringotts

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"Well?" Bellatrix/Hermione asked coming over to us with Griphook going behind her

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"Well?" Bellatrix/Hermione asked coming over to us with Griphook going behind her. "How do I look?"

"Hideous." Rodolphus/Ron replied.

"Lovely." I smiled at her, Harry looked down at the goblin. "You can give that to Hermione to hold, all right Griphook?"

Griphook put the sword into Hermione's bag. The four of us walked to stand together and placed out hands on top of eachothers. "We're relaying on you Griphook. If you get us past the guards and into the vault the sword it yours."
The goblin nodded and put his hand on top of ours. We apparated from the sunny beach into the dark, dead looking alley.

"Madam Lestrange." Said a man passing by, greeting Bellatrix/Hermione. "Good morning." She replied shortly.

"Good morning? Good morning?" Griphook repeated looking at Hermione. "You're Bellatrix Lestrange not some dewy-eyed school girl."

"Hey easy." Ron told the goblin, coming to stand next to Hermione. Goblin glared at him. "If she gives us away, we might as well use that sword to slit our own throats. Understand?"

Hermione looked around. "No he's right, I was being stupid."

"Okay. Let's do it." Harry crouched down so that the goblin could climb on his back. I stood closely next to him and Ron threw the Invisibility cloak over us.

We walked into the Gringotts, me, Harry and Griphook under the cloak and Ron and Hermione in front of us. Watching Hermione stumble while walking on the heels I made a mental note to teach her how to walk properly on them sometime when this shit is over.

"I wish to enter my vault." Hermione said looking at one of the goblins on the front desk. The goblin didn't even look up, he just continued writing down whatever it was that he was writing in the first place. "Identification?"

"I hardly think that will be necessary." She replied, the goblin finally looking up. "Madam Lestrange!" He turned around and went somewhere. "I don't like to be kept waiting." Hermione called after him.

"They know." Griphook whispered. "They know she's the imposter. They've been warned."

"Harry?" Ron whispered to us, after seeing one of the guards slowly make his way towards him and Hermione. "What do we do, guys?"

The goblin from earlier came back with another one. The other goblin spoke to Hermione. "Madam Lestrange would you mind presenting your wand?"

"And why should i do that?" The girl questioned keeping her head high up. "Its the bank's policy, I'm sure you understand given the current climate."

Hermione subtly glared at him. "No! I most certainly don't understand." The goblin didn't give up after this. "I'm afraid I must insist."

I took the wand Harry was holding in his hand and lightly waved it trough the air. "Imperio . . ."

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