Chapter 23: jealousy and old wine

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Mr Weasley and I returned back to the Grimmauld place after my (successfully finished) trial was over and I went to find my friends

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Mr Weasley and I returned back to the Grimmauld place after my (successfully finished) trial was over and I went to find my friends.
Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny were sitting in the living room, each having a thing of their own to do.

Hermione was reading a book, Fred and George planning their next prank while Ron and Ginny were arguing but the first thing I noticed was the fact that Y/n wasn't with them, which is weird because she usually reads with Hermione or helps Ginny pick on Ron.

"Hey guys," I greeted, "do you know where's Y/n?"

Ron stopped arguing with Ginny and looked at me like he wanted to say something, but decided against it. And now, the whole room was silent and filled with awkward tension.

"No," Hermione said after some time, giving me a smile. The twins silently shook their heads as well as Ginny.

"Oh, okay." I said turning towards the doors, "I'll try to find her myself."

"She's with Sirius!" Ron blurted out and when I turned around everyone else was glaring at the boy who had his hand over his mouth. " . . . in his room."

"Yeah, that's fine." I said, although I didn't feel like it was at all. I don't know why but the fact that was alone with Sirius in his room seemed to bother me a lot. "I just wanted to let them know how the trial went."

"I'd tell you to check in with them, but they probably locked the doors." Hermione said lowering her book.

Remus laughed, coming into the room and immediately our focus was on him. "Sirius, and Y/n. Lock the doors!?" Remus stopped to catch his breath for a moment, "Those two don't know how locks work. Trust me, I saw much more things than I wanted to see because of them."

Remus looked at me, suddenly having a serious expression. "I'll eat a fried frog and a worm soup if that doors are locked, Harry. Mark my words. But if you're going there, be careful kid, you don't need the same traumas I have. But then again, Vixen wouldn't do that to anyone. But double but, its Sirius. Just go and check."

I nodded and left the living room. I climbed up the stairs and went towards Sirius room, already knowing well where it was. And just like Remus said, the doors weren't locked. In fact, they weren't even closed properly.

I pushed them a bit, but didn't come inside. I knew that spying on them was wrong but curiosity to know what they were doing got the better of me.

"So," Sirius said smirking at Y/n, "you and Harold?"

Y/n sipped from her wine glass silently, looking at Sirius for a long moment before she finally spoke up. "So, me and Harold."

Was I Harold?

"How'd that happen?"

"Long story short, I have no fucking idea."

I adjusted my position so that I could see them better. Both of them were sitting on Sirius's double bed and there was a bottle of wine next to them.

"How old is this shit?" Y/n asked holding up the wine bottle like she was presenting something spectacular to Sirius.

"According to Kreacher," Sirius said, "its from the time of great great great great great great grandpa Sirius and great great great great great great grandma Y/n."

Y/n laughed and I was beyond confused. And looking at my fingers because I was trying to count how many times Sirius said great. 

"The OG Blackwood and the 300 years old wine." She said still laughing and her comment made Sirius laugh as well. Which left me thinking what could possibly be Blackwood but my thoughts were cut short.

I felt my blood boil when I saw Sirius cup the side of Y/n's face and gaze into her eyes. The fact that she was looking at him like he was her long lost love, didn't help much either.

"We're the better Blackwood." He joked and she rolled her eyes, smiling at him. "I'm still not over the fact that all pureblood families are related. That shit's weird as fuck." Y/n said to Sirius who nodded in agreement.

"You're telling me." Sirius said, "My parents were bloody cousins."

"Its the incest, for me." Y/n chuckled.

"Its the being in relationship with James's son, for me." Sirius replied.

"Its the fact that you're still wrapped around my finger, for me."

"Its the fact you accidentally said my name, for me."

"Its the fact that you're jealous of a kid, for me."

"Its the fact that you still have the ring, maybe its not on your finger but its around your neck, for me."

"Its the fact that Harry's spying on us, for me." Y/n said making my blood freeze.

I was seated in a way that I could see them from where the doors were opened but they couldn't see me. But I was most definitely stupid to think that, that would be enough to fool a vampire as powerful as Y/n.

"You can come in, you know." She said and I got up from the floor, dusting off my clothes and pushed the doors of Sirius's bedroom fully open.

"Hey Harold," Sirius smiled at me like he wasn't just cupping my girlfriends face moments ago. I smiled back and waved, mostly focused on Y/n that just downed all the wine from her glass and jumped up from the bed.

"I'd invite you to join us, but if my calculations are correct, and they often are, Molly's gonna call us to lunch any moments now." Y/n said and sure enough, just moments later, Mrs Weasley called out that lunch was ready and that everybody should come down.

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