Chapter 55: slughorn's christmas party

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"He can go and snog whoever he wants

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"He can go and snog whoever he wants." Hermione said angrily putting the books in their place while Harry and I followed her. "Was I under the impression that he and I would be going to the Slughorn's party together? Yes. Do I still think that? No."

She finished putting the last book back to its place and turned to us. "Who are you two going with?"

Harry and I looked at eachother then at her then back at eachother before speaking in union "We're going together."

"Who are you going with?" Harry asked her leaning on a desk.

Hermione crossed her arms in front of her chest uncomfortably. "Uhm its a surprise." She looked to the side. "See that girl over there?"

Hermione got in front of me and Harry gesturing to the tan girl with black locks. "That's Romilda Vane. Apparently she's trying to smuggle you a love potion."

"Really?" Harry asked surprised.

Hermione glared at him and snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Hey! She took interest in you because she thinks you're the chosen one."

"But I am the chosen one." Harry said earning a slap with papers to the head from Hermione. "Okay sorry. And besides i couldn't care less about her. I already have an amazing girlfriend."

"Y/n, why are you so silent? That's very unusual for you." Hermione asked turning to me.

"Nobody plans a murder out loud Hermione." I replied with a sweet smile.

"You're joking right?" She asked her eyes wide. I turned to her and nodded, "Of course . . .  not"

After adjusting my dress I looked into the reflection in the mirror

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After adjusting my dress I looked into the reflection in the mirror. The girl who looked back at me trough the mirror looked like me, but at the same time she looked broken.

 The girl who looked back at me trough the mirror looked like me, but at the same time she looked broken

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I walked out of my dorm and went downstairs where Harry was already waiting for me. His jaw was hanging in the air as he looked me up and down.

"Close your mouth baby or you'll catch flies." I kissed his cheek and walked past him. A few seconds later he ran up to me collecting himself.

"You look amazing." Harry said taking my hand and interfering out fingers. "So do you."

We walked into the party a bit late, both of us looking around the loud room. "Drink?" Asked Neville coming towards us with a plate.

"Neville." Harry and I turned towards him, Harry touched the buttons of Nevile's blazer.
"Didn't get into the Slug Club. That's okay though. He's got Belby handing out towels."

"I'm fine mate thanks." Harry said, I smiled at Neville. "I'll take one of those. I reckon I'll need it for tonight." I took the glass and Neville smiled at me before continuing his way around the room.

I downed the drink and put it on the nearest table just then in saw Hermione get behind the curtains. I tugged Harry's arm and pointed to where Hermione was.

"Mione what are you doing?" I asked when Harry and i got behind the curtains as well. "And what happened to you?" Harry added.

"I have just escaped." She replied pushing her hair out of her face. "I mean, left Cormac under the mistletoe."

"Cormac!?" I whisper-yelled at her. "That's who you came with?"

Hermione crossed her arms "I thought it would annoy Ron the most."

"Dragon tart?" A boy asked pushing trough the curtains. "No I'm fine thank you." Hermione shook her head.

"Just as well, they give one horrible breath." He said. Hermione took the whole plate from his arms, "On seconds thoughts."

"It might keep Cormac away." She said before putting one in her mouth. She pushed the plate into Harry's arms and crawling away from us just as Cormac came trough the curtains.

"I think she just powder her nose." Harry told Cormac. "Little minx your friend. Like's to work her mouth doesn't she." Cormac took a few dragon balls from the plate that Harry was holding and put them in his mouth.

"Whats this I am eating by the way?" Cormac asked.
"Dragon balls." Harry replied making me bite back a laugh.

Severus opened the curtain looking at the three of us. Cormac bent down and threw up on Severus's shoes. I took Harry's arm and slowly started leading him away. "You just bough yourself a month worth of detention McLaggen. Not so quick Potter, Lockwood."

"Sir we should really re-join the party." Harry said but Severus cut him off "I only wish to convey a message."

"Message?" Harry asked.
"From professor Dumbledore, he asked me go give you his best and he hopes you enjoy holiday. You see he's traveling and won't be return until term resumes."

"Traveling where?" I asked looking up into Severus's eyes. We haven't spoken to eachother since the fight in his office. Severus simply looked at me, shook his head and walked past us.

Flich burst trough the door dragging a familiar blonde by arm. "Hand off me filthy squib."
"Professor Slughorn sir, I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party."

"Okay! Okay, I was gatecrashing." Draco admitted. "Happy?"

Severus walked up to them and looked at Draco. "I'll escort him out."
Flich let go of Draco's arm and he looked Severus in the eyes, coldly. "Certainly."

"Okay everyone carry on! Carry on." Slughorn said trying to lighten the mood.
I turned around searching for Harry only to realize that he's gone. Taking in consideration his thoughts of Draco being a death eater, he might have as well as went to follow them.

I spotted Hermione and walked over to her. "Maybe we should go, Hermione."
She nodded and we went back to the Gryffindor common, taking a sit down on the couch next to the fireplace.

"How was your date with Cormac?" I smirked at her disgusted expression. "Can we talk about anything else?"

"Sure, the holidays are tomorrow. Are you staying with the Weasley's?"

Hermione shook her head and smiled. "I don't know, my parents were talking something about a sky trip or something like that."

"Well it doesn't matter. Happy holidays anyway. See you tomorrow Hermione." I got from the couch and walked towards the stairs when i heard her speak. "Aren't you going to wait for Harry to come?"

"Nah. I trust him to take care of himself and he knows where my dorm is in case he needs me." I replied and smiled at her before going back to my dorm.

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