Chapter 68: one out, three more left to go

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And so we did

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And so we did. The first thing in the morning we started traveling by foot. Did we know where exactly we were going? No, we didn't. But we knew we needed to move, we couldn't stay in one place too long it would be dangerous.

Harry and I were walking in the front, while Hermione and Ron were behind us. Currently it was Ron's turn to wear the locket. I took a water bottle from my backpack and gave it to Harry with a small smile.

Harry returned my smile, unscrewing the bottle and taking a few gulps from it. "Thanks." He gave me the bottle and I put it back into my backpack. Harry took my hand in his interfering our fingers as we continued down the road.

I could feel Ron's glare on us but didn't pay it much attention. I didn't want to turn around and look at him. I just hoped for everyone's sake that he won't start a fight because that was the last thing we needed.

With the locket that was driving all of us insane being passed from person to person we already got into enough fights.

After a long, long walk we finally stopped and placed down our tent. The tension that was around all of us was unbearable, in this moment I would have given anything to be back in 1994 when i first met Harry. Sure it wasn't the most pleasant year with the whole Triwizard Tournament thing and everything, but it was so much easier.

"He doesn't know what he's doing, does he?" Ron asked as he, Hermione and I sat on small chairs looking at Harry who was throwing rocks around.

"None of us do." Hermione told him shaking her head.

"It would be so much easier if we knew Ron." I told him trying to force a smile on my face but miserably failing.

"Yeah ..." Ron sighed offering me his hands. I took it and he smiled at me, I offered Hermione my other hand and with a small smile she placed hers in it.

 I took it and he smiled at me, I offered Hermione my other hand and with a small smile she placed hers in it

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Time passed in a blur, none of us actually doing anything that mattered. By now it was probably the middle of the night. Considering the color of the sky sun would be rising in the few hours.

I was sitting on the table laughing, watching Hermione cut Harry's hair. "Why do you find this so funny?" Harry asked me turning his head to the side.

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 |𝐇. 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now