Chapter 43: is harry here

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"Here you go." Ginny said giving me a cup of hot tea.

"Thanks." I smiled at her wiping my eyes with my free hand.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked sitting down next to me.

"I guess." i replied taking a sip of tea. "I just don't know what to say. I mean, I am supposed to be strong for Harry but I can't. Its hard to think about the fact that I lost Sirius forever, he was my . . . he meant a lot to me."

"Its okay to break down once in a while Y/n." The ginger girl told me.

"I know. But I am his guardian Gin, and his girlfriend. I should be the one to comfort him in times like this." I said. "But how can I take care of Harry if I can't take care of myself?"

"You are taking to much responsibility on yourself." Ginny gave a small smile. "You don't have to do all of this alone."

I tapped my fingers on the mug, staying silent for a few moments. "How are you so mature?"

Ginny giggled and shook her head. "Dunno. When you live with Fred and George your whole life . . . "

"Oh I see your point." I replied smiling at her.

"I'm glad you're smiling." she admitted.

I sighed placing the mug on the drawer. I laid down and put my head in Ginny's lap. "If this is uncomfortable for you just say it."

She smiled down on me. "No, its fine." She started playing with my hair, and it was actually really calming.

"Thank you." I mumbled already drifting asleep. "For being my friend."

I was already half asleep when i heard her murmur. "Harry is one lucky guy to have you. I hope he knows that."
Then she kissed the top of my head and started humming some melody.

I groaned opening my eyes to find myself on Ginny's bed, in her room

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I groaned opening my eyes to find myself on Ginny's bed, in her room.
"Mum!" I heard Ginny's voice yell from down stairs.

"Yes dear? What is it?" Molly asked.

"Is Harry here?" I heard Ginny ask.

"Harry who?"

"Harry Potter, of course." Ginny said in a 'duh' voice.

"Don't be silly! I think i'd know if Harry Potter was in my house." Molly replied.

"But his trunk and owl is in the kitchen." Ginny told Molly.

"Harry? Did someone say Harry?" Ron asked butting in the conversation.

"Yes!" Ginny replied to her brother. "Is he with you?"

"I think i would know if my best friend was in my bedroom." Ron said.

I got up from the bed and stretched. I walked up to the stair and looked a few rows of stairs down to meet with Ginny's stare. "Did you say Harry is here?"

"Apparently he's wandering around the house." Ginny said giving me a small smile.

I skipped down the stairs and stood next to Ginny. Looking around the house. "Harry!"
I ran up to him and pulled him in a tight hug he happily returned.

Ron, Ginny, Hermione and Molly did the same thing after I let him go.
"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Molly asked excitedly.

"I didn't know." Harry replied. "Dumbledore."

Molly pinched Harry's check. "That man! But then again, what would we do without him."

I saw Ron reach out to wipe  Hermione's chin. "Got a bit of . . . toothpaste." He said awkwardly.

"So when did you get here?" Harry asked

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"So when did you get here?" Harry asked.
The four of us were sitting in Ron's room chatting.

"I got here yesterday." I said leaning into Harry's chest.

"And I got here a few days ago." Hermione told Harry. "Trough for a while I wasn't sure I was coming."

"Mom sort of lost it last week." Ron admitted. "Said Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts. That its too dangerous."

"Oh come on!" Harry said.

"She's not the only one." Hermione spoke up. "Even my parents, and they are Muggles, think something bad is happening."

"Anyway, took a few days and she came around." Ron said.

"This is Hogwarts we're talking about. Its Dumbledore, what could be safer?" Harry asked pulling me closer to him.

"There's been a lot of talk recently." Hermione told him. "Dumbledore's gotten old."

"Rubbish." Harry replied. "How old is he anyway?"

"Hundred and fifty." Ron said.

I chuckled, "Give or take a few."

We all laughed and continued to talk about what we were going do to this year. I was happy to be here with them, somehow I felt calm and safe.

"That reminds me Y/n," Hermione said turning to me. "Where were you this summer? I tried owling you but you never replied."

"Yeah? I also went to your flat once but you weren't there." Harry added.

I swallowed my spit and smiled at them. "Oh, I just went to visit an old friend. Sorry if I worried you."

Half true, half lie. I was in New Orleans, in my ex fiancee's embrace, crying my eyes out over the death of my ex boyfriend. Of course I couldn't say that, it would sound totally wrong.

"Its fine," Harry said and kissed the top of my head. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said kissing the tip of his nose.

"Get a room." Ron told us fake gagging.

"Shut up Ronald." Hermione smacked his arm. "They are cute."

Harry and I laughed before turning back to the two of our friends who were too busy arguing.

"15 galleons that they will end up together." I whispered to Harry.

"Bet," he whispered back.

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