Chapter 52: in the end it all came tumbling down

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"Morning." I sat down on the Gryffindor table and put some food on my plate. Harry kissed my cheek and poured me a goblet of pumpkin juice. "Morning."

"I'm going to go to library to study today. What about you guys?" Hermione said bluntly while pushing her empty plate away from herself.

"Ron and i are gonna practice Quidditch. What about you Y/n?" Harry asked me. I looked over to the teachers table where Severus was just getting up. "I've been meaning to talk to someone. Excuse me."

I got up and followed after Severus. I was aware that he knew i was following him, however he didn't stop. But neither did I.     

He closed his door in my face and i pushed them open, straight up going into his office. "Severus stop for fucks sake. Why are avoiding me?" No response, just uncomfortable silence. He didn't even turn around to look at me.
"Stop acting like a child. I am your friend Severus! Talk to me!"

He turned around faster than i expected. "Has the thought that I don't want to be your friend ever accrued to you?" He spat the words coldly.

I took a step back, feeling as if all the air from my lungs was knocked out. I could feel my heart weakly beating in my chest and my blood running cold. I swallowed the lump in my throat and shook my head hoping - no praying, he is just having a breakdown and doesn't really mean that.

"You don't mean that." I pushed the words out of my mouth. Why was it so hard to talk?

"I do." Severus said his voice even, and cold. I searched his brown-black eyes for anything. Anything telling me the real Severus - my Severus was still there. But I found nothing, his eyes were empty and cold just like his voice and his behavior.
"Did you really think I wanted to be your friend after you left me for 18 years? I pitied you Y/n, that's why I agreed to this so called friendship."

He took a step closer to me, his eyes piercing into mine. I reached an arm to touch his but he roughly grabbed my wrist. "After all this years you haven't changed a bit. You're still the same selfish whore, you were before."

"Shut up."

"What, can't take the truth?" He mocked. "How many people have you fucked over the years huh? Me, Sirius, Narcissa, Lucius, Bellatrix, Marlene . . . -"

He let go of my wrist and let out a long breath. "Its not nice being called out right?"

This time I was the one staying silent. I couldn't speak a word, no matter how hard I wanted to.
"But I am not surprised quite frankly. Once a slut always a slut. That's probably what you'll always be. The same stupid, selfish, cocky, and annoying whore."

Before I could process what I was doing my hand made contact with his face and I slapped him, hard. The sound echoed trough his office.
I laughed even trough it took me a lot effort. A cold, murderous, blood freezing laugh.

"Maybe I am, and maybe I will always be, Severus. But at least I am not some depressed, middle aged man with greasy hair who hates on a teenage boy just because of his parents. So if I am always going to be a whore, then I guess you will always be the same greasy, creepy, boring, stupid little Snivellus."

I couldn't read his face, but I registered 2 emotions. Hurt and anger. I didn't realize the wight of my words before I said them, but I never take back what I say. And in this moment I didn't want to take back what I said. He deserved it.

"Get the fuck out of my office." He said a pause between each word. I wiped the tear that threatened to spill from my eyes with my hand and smiled coldly. "Gladly."

I pushed past the people, even pushing some of them down, not stopping until I reached the Astronomy tower

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I pushed past the people, even pushing some of them down, not stopping until I reached the Astronomy tower. When my back hit the wall I let it all out. Hot tears ran down my cheeks falling onto my sweater.

It hurt so badly. At this point I couldn't tell what hurt me more. The fact that Severus, a person I considered one of my best friends said that to me, or the fact that it wall all true.

I heard the doors open ad looked up meeting a pair of grey eyes and platinum blonde hair. Draco looked at me in silence.
"What, never seen a girl crying? Cut to the chase and tell me how I am a terrible person and stupid whore because I am in no mood to argue right now."

"I - I'm sorry." He murmured. My eyes widened, a Malfoy apologizing? 

When I looked him better i noticed how his cheeks were glistening and they were wet. How his hair was messy and his eyes red. "No, I'm sorry. You don't have to leave, this place is big enough for both of us."

Draco silently walked over to me and sat down on the ground next to me. I pulled him into a hug, he was hesitant but eventually wrapped his arms around me. "I felt like you needed a hug."

"Thank you." He said, "I'm sorry about what ever it is that you are crying about."

I swallowed and wiped my cheeks. "I'm sorry about what ever it is that you are crying about as well. And I'm also sorry about uhm . . . biting you and saying those things about your dad."

"Its in the past."


For some time we just sat there in calming silence. The cold air blew and darker clouds covered the sky.
"You know Draco, we may not be friend but we don't have to be enemies." I told him tapping my fingers on my knees.

"I would love that." Draco said. "Also this is the first time you called me Draco."

"Really? I didn't notice." I smiled at him, maybe it wasn't the happiest and brightest smile but it was a good start. He smiled back. "Looks like there's some bad weather coming. We better go back inside."

"Yeah, I'm sure Potter is looking for you." I offered Draco my arm and he took it, I pulled him up and hugged him tightly. "You're not your father Draco. You're so much better."

I turned around and walked to the door. Opening the door and making a few steps I heard him mumble "That mean much more than you'll ever know, Y/n Lockwood."

Trust me I know, Draco Malfoy.

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