Chapter 67: i gave him my blood

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Hermione and I were checking on the barrier of protective spells around us, as well as collecting some branches we could use for fire

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Hermione and I were checking on the barrier of protective spells around us, as well as collecting some branches we could use for fire. Ron was still in the tent, listening to radio that was talking about news from the wizarding world. Harry was sitting outside of the tent.

We didn't talk to eachother unless it was necessary. No one of us was up for chit-chat anyway and no one seamed to mind the silence.

Hermione and I walked back to Harry, who seemed as if a million things was going trough his head - while only one was. He was having a vision, he let him in again.

"I thought it stopped." Hermione said worried. "You can't keep letting him in, Harry."

"You-Know-Who had found Gregorovitch." Harry replied ignoring what Hermione just told him.

"The wand maker?" I asked confused letting the branches from my arms fall on the ground.

"He wants something that Gregorovitch used to have." Explained Harry. "But I don't know what. But he wants it desperately, as if his life depends on it."

The radio kept talking in the background and Harry's head snapped around as he tried getting us but Hermione stopped him. "Don't,"  she said to him, "it comforts him."

"It sets my teeth on edge. What's he expecting to hear, good news?" Harry asked annoyed.

"I think he just hopes he doesn't hear bad news." I told him while picking up some leaves that were in interesting color. This days I would do anything to get my mind off the war that was coming even if was just for a few moments.

Harry got up and looked down at Hermione. "How long before he can travel?"

Hermione didn't answer for a few moments and Harry let out a loud sigh. "I'm doing everything I can." She said.

"You're not doing enough!" Harry shouted at her.

I got up and glared at him. "She's not doing enough?! Fine! You want him to travel?! FINE! Why didn't you just say a thing."

I pushed past him, using my vampire speed, and ran inside of the tent. Ron was sitting on the bed, i jumped over him and pushed him down biting into my wrist and drawing blood out. I pressed my wrist over Ron's mouth.

He looked at me with wide eyes before he relaxed and started gulping down my blood. He put his hand over mine so that i couldn't remove my wrist.

I pulled my hand away from him and wiped my wrist with my other hand. "That's enough Ron." I gave him a small smile before walking out of the tent to find Harry and Hermione still in the same place.

"There you go." I said pointing to the tent. "He's as good as new. You can start traveling any time you like it Potter Junior."

"What did you do?" Harry asked me both angry and confused. "Y/n, what. did. you. do?"

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