Chapter 26: hogsmeade day

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"Won't you be cold in that?" Hermione asked me while I was adjusting my beanie. I turned around and smiled at the girl who was dressed warmly and had a scarf and a winter hat.

"I'll be fine Mione!" I said placing a hand on the girls shoulder. "Stop worrying about me. And besides we could all use a break from the Slutbridge."

Hermione gasped her jaw in the air while she stared at me. "Yep you heard me right." I said and after that Hermione finally broke down and started laughing.

The pink toad continued on making our lives living hell. She has been making stupid rules and questioning teachers every opportunity she gets. I guess being annoying ass-kisser is one of the requirements to be a Ministry worker. 

"Come on or we will be late!" I whined pulling her arm and dragging the girl with me. "Its been so long since I last visited Hogsmeade."

"Where do you wanna go first?" Harry asked me stepping out of the carriage and offering me his hand

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"Where do you wanna go first?" Harry asked me stepping out of the carriage and offering me his hand. I smiled and took his hand and he pulled me out of the carriage.

"Honeydukes!" I said sounding like an excited child on the Christmas day. "Can we? And the bookstore!? Oh and Three Broomstick! There's so much to visit, and so little time. Move your asses now!"

And that is basically how I kidnapped a group of three children and dragged them with me. We entered the Honeydukes and the smell of sweets instantly overflowed my senses. I turned to Harry and happily grabbed his arm dragging him with me to get bunch of sweets.

Harry looked at me with an amused expression while I pulled more and more sweets and showed them into his arms since I couldn't hold all of them. "What?" I asked meeting his eyes as I put another box of chocolate frogs on the top of the pile he was holding.

"Nothing you are just super cute." He said smiling at me. I turned around and grabbed a few boxes of Jelly Slugs and a few bottles of Butterscotch Beer and many other things. " . . . and hot too." I heard him mumble under his breath.

I turned to face him and cocked up an eyebrow giving him a small side smirk. "My blood hit you hard, didn't it?"

"Uhh..." he nervously looked down his face flushing a shade of crimson as he was caught red-handed clearly not expecting me to have heard.

"Oh my god!" I smiled and gave Harry everything from my arms running up to a row where I found myself grabbing endless amount of blood flavored lollipops.

"I remember when Neville almost ate one of those." Harry's voice said from behind me, "It was in our third year and I sneaked in under the invisibility cloak. Poor Neville was so confused."

I giggled turning around. I gasped and then broke down in a hysterical laugh looking at Harry's barely visible from everything he was holding, face. I took half of the pile in my arms and smiled at him. "Sorry."

"Do you want more?" Harry asked me looking around the Honeydukes shop. I smiled and shook my head no.

"That's alright. I don't think we could even carry more than this." I replied heading to pay with Harry going behind me.

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 |𝐇. 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now