Chapter 10: the first task

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A/n: above is the picture made in Picrew of how exactly I imagined Lockwood to look and Lily Collins was the face claim I found closest to that.

"We can sit over there." Hermione pointed out to a couple of empty seats in the first row. Ron and I simply nodded and followed Hermione to the seats she pointed.

"Is it gonna start soon?" Ron asked his gaze focused on the dragons in the area.

I shook my head and looked at the ginger boy, "Dunno."

Time was passing slowly and I knew that champions were going to get called out pretty soon. I looked over to the champion's tent and decided that I'm gonna sneak in, just to check on Harry in case he needed some last minute help. I turned to Ron and Hermione, "I am gonna go. Be right back."

They both nodded and I got up and ran towards the tent. It was rather big inside but nothing fancy.

I looked around and saw Fleur the Beauxbatons girl, Viktor the guy from Durmstrang. Then I noticed Cedric, the cute Hufflepuf guy and finally I spotted Harry.

I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around his eyes wide but calmed down as soon as he saw me. "Y/n/n what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you before the first task starts." I smiled at him, "Did you at least read the book about dragons I gave you."

"Half of it." He admitted looking at the floor.

"You should be fine with that." I said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, thanks." He said still looking at the ground.

I used my other hand to lift his chin up forcing him to look up at me, "Hey is everything alright, Harry? Is this about what the Malfoy boy said, because thats not true.",

He gave me a small smile and nodded, "And plus Lucius Malfoy has no place to talk. He was the biggest pussy back in our days."

Harry chuckled and smiled at me. "Thank you Y/n/n. It means a lot."

"No problem kid. And I would gossip on Lucius the bitch any day." I smiled back and pulled him into a hug. He instantly responds by wrapping his arms around me and burying his head in the croak of my neck.

There was a flash and I let go of Harry turning around to see that annoying as fuck woman Rita Skeeter. She smiled at us and I never saw anything look more fake, "Aren't you two adorable. If everything goes unfortunately you may even make it to the front page."

That's it. I was just about to run into her and rip her head off but Harry placed a hand on my shoulder holding me back in a subtle way.

"You have no business here. This is the champions tent so I strongly suggest you leave before I have to call someone to escort you out." Said a male voice. I turned my head around and saw the Durmstrang boy, Viktor, glaring at Rita.

Rita smiled at him trough a glare she was giving him and angrily walked out of tent. I muttered a 'thank you' to Viktor to what he smiled and nodded returning to what ever it was that he was doing.

"We will be starting very soon now." Dumbledore said coming into the tent. His eyes landed on me and he smiled "Y/n, I see you came to wish Harry luck."

I nodded turning towards Harry, "Good luck Potter Junior, and don't die or else I will run into that arena and turn you to a goddamned vampire if I have to. Understood?" He nodded his head, his emerald eyes staring into my eyes, "Good. And please, don't get hurt."

I leaned in and kissed him on the check. "See you later Potter Junior. I will be the one cheering in the first row." He laughed and with that I vamp-speeded out of the tent and went straight to the first row where Hermione and Ron were.

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