Chapter 35: dumbledore got style

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I pulled Nigel, the second year back into safety. In front were the twins and me.
Fred and George had their wands drawn and I created a fireball in the palm of my hand, holding it up in air directed towards the wall.

"Wicked!" Fred and George said at the same time exchanging glances.
"Not the time." I chuckled.

Harry and Nigel slowly went closer to the wall, looking trough the hole on the wall.
"I'll make a short work of this!" A horribly familiar voice of the pink bitch said.

"Bombarda Maxima!" Umbridge said calmly.
Fuck! I jumped out of my position pushing Harry and Nigel out of the way, taking the most force of the explosion of the wall.

Harry helped me up quickly and we stood still looking at Umbridge and group of Slytherins. Suddenly Draco appeared pulling an ashamed looking Cho by arm.

Everyone put their wands down, silently looking at Umbridge.
"Get them!" She hissed.

"Not so fast bitch!" I hissed back waving my hand trough the air and sending a wave of air force at her, knocking her down on the ground.

The twins laughed and Harry gave a mixture of smirk and worried look.
"GET THEM!" She screamed angrily getting up. "Detention for attacking a professor Miss Lockwood."

Umbridge lead us to Dumbledore office, as Percy Weasley dragged me and Harry by the back of our sweaters

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Umbridge lead us to Dumbledore office, as Percy Weasley dragged me and Harry by the back of our sweaters.
As soon as the doors were closed Umbridge along with Fudge began accusing Dumbledore.

"Professor he had nothing to do with it." Harry tried telling Umbridge. "It was me!"

"Oh please." I laughed dryly. "It was both of us."

"Most noble of you two to shield me, but as it had been pointed out, the parchment says 'Dumbledore's army' not 'Potter's and Lockwood's army'." Dumbledore said. "I instructed this two to form the organization. I, and I alone am the one responsible for this activity."

"Right, that's an owl to the Daily Prophet, it might even make the front page." Fudge said. "Dawlish, Shacklebolt, the two of you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban."

"Kingsley!" I looked at the man I considered a friend pleadingly.
He mouthed 'I'm sorry' and shot me an apologetic look.

Fudge continued what he was saying completing his sentence. " . . . to await trial for conspiracy."

"Well I can tell you this." Dumbledore told the Ministry workers. "I have no intention of going to Azkaban."

"Enough of this!" Hissed Umbridge. "Take him!"

Dumbledore winked at us, before clapping his hands together in the air above his head. Fawkes, his phoenix appeared swooping above Dumbledore, meeting his outstretched hands before both of them disappeared in a burst of bright orange flames. The force pushing back Umbridge, Fudge, Dawlish, Shacklebolt, Kingsley and Percy.

"I know you don't like him Minister." Kingsley spoke up. "but you can't deny it .... Dumbledore has style."

I chuckled and smirked at him. "That he certainly does."

Dumbledore may not be the best person and I am aware of that.
But he was there for me.

I rubbed my eyes with my palms because there was no way that I was seeing Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, across the street looking at me.

But there he was. In flesh and blood.

I looked around before going over the street and standing right in front of him. "Why are you here professor?" I hissed out coldly.

"Take my arm." He replied calmly as if we were talking about whether.

"Professor you shouldn't be here."

"Take my arm Y/n."

I wanted to argue back, tell him to go away from me. That I was dangerous. But it would be of no use. I sighed and liked my arm with his. "Fine."

In the matter of second we weren't on the streets of New Orleans anymore. We were in his office at Hogwarts.

"What is this about?!" I asked him.

"Take a seat Y/n." He told me sitting down behind his desk and smiling at me.

"Will you tell me why am i here for fucks sake!" I asked again.

I can't be here, I shouldn't be here.

"Sit dear, there is no need to stand." He told me once again.

I sat down in the chair in complete silence. Just when I thought I escaped my past I am pulled back in here again.

It had barely been 2 weeks since the terrible day when I lost my family. Only 2 weeks since I had to feed on blood. Why am here!

"I just wanted to talk with you Y/n." He told me. "You are the last living Lockwood."

"Unfortunately." I mumbled. "I'd rather be dead than forced to relieve memories of watching my family die right in front of me. But then again, I am dead am I not?"

"I am sorry for your loss." He told me placing his hand over mine on the table.
I dropped my gaze down as my vision became blurry. "Thanks."

I wiped my tears away and pulled my hand of table into my lap. "But you didn't answer me. Why am I here?"

"You are technically still a Hogwarts student Y/n." He explained, "And you still have one year of studies."

"Then let this be the day I drop out to become a stripper." I replied.

He stayed silent for a moment before asking. "Is that you final decision Y/n? Because I know that everyone would welcome you here."

"That is my final decision headmaster." I replied getting up and walking to the door. I placed my hand on the doorknob and opened the door.

Stopping where I stood I turned back to face Dumbledore. "And I beg of you Albus. Don't tell anyone that I am still alive. Please." The last part came out as a mare whisper but I know he heard it.

"I respect your choice." He replied. "And I will respect your wish Y/n."

I tried to give him a small smile. "Thank you Albus. May we see eachother again one day."

After saying that I didn't waste a second to run out of the castle, out of London.

Its better this way. I thought to myself as I left Hogwarts behind me.

I stopped once I was far away. Turning around I looked at the castle and felt a tear run down my check.

Until the next time.

I shook my hand and grabbed Harry's hand pulling him out of the office. "Let's go back to common room love. Everything will be fine, I promise you."

He smiled at me, a small smile but still a smile and interfered out fingers.

Until the next time, Albus.

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